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Suitability of root, tuber, and banana crops in Central Africa can be favoured under future climates
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103246
Rhys Manners 1 , Elke Vandamme 2 , Julius Adewopo 1 , Philip Thornton 3 , Michael Friedmann 4 , Sebastien Carpentier 5 , Kodjovi Senam Ezui 6 , Graham Thiele 4


Climate change is projected to negatively impact food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. The magnitude of these impacts is expected to be amplified by the extensive reliance on rainfed agriculture and the prevalence of subsistence farming. In the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa, smallholder farming households are largely dependent on root, tuber and banana crops. However, the potential impacts of various climate change scenarios on these crops are not well reported. Yet, data-rich insights about the future impacts of climate change on these crops and the adaptive capacity of food systems in the Great Lakes Region is critical to inform research and development investments towards regional climate change adaptation.


We aimed to gain insights of potential impacts of climate change on root, tuber, and banana crops in the Great Lakes Region, specifically investigating changes to localised crop suitability, planting dates, and identifying potential ‘climate-proof’ variety types of each crop for specific geographies.


We developed a modified version of the EcoCrop model to analyse the suitability of future climates for four key root, tuber, and banana crops (banana, cassava, potato, and sweetpotato) and a suite of varieties for each (typical, heat-tolerant, drought-tolerant, and early maturing). The model considers only the direct impacts of climate change on crop suitability. It does not consider how climate change impacts crop suitability by affecting the occurrence of extreme weather events or indirect effects on incidence and severity of pest and disease outbreaks.

Results and conclusions

Our results demonstrate that climate change will be somewhat favourable to root, tuber, and banana-based systems, with only widespread negative impacts seen for potato. These changes should be qualified by the observation that in most cases the environmental suitability for banana, cassava, and sweetpotato will remain constant or improve if farmers shift planting schedules. Location- and crop-dependent shifts to different variety types were found to be effective in improving suitability under future climates.


Data driven insights generated from this work can be used as a first step in developing spatially explicit recommendations for both farmers and decision-makers on how to adapt to climate change and plan investment in the research needed to adapt root, tuber, and banana-based livelihoods and systems to those long-term changes.








我们开发了 EcoCrop 模型的修改版本,以分析四种主要根茎、块茎和香蕉作物(香蕉、木薯、马铃薯和甘薯)以及每种作物(典型、耐热、耐旱,早熟)。该模型仅考虑气候变化对作物适宜性的直接影响。它没有考虑气候变化如何通过影响极端天气事件的发生或对病虫害爆发的发生率和严重程度的间接影响来影响作物适宜性。




