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Microscopic and pharmacognostic standardization of Astragalus scorpiurus Bunge
Microscopy Research and Technique ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-14 , DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23907
Noor Ul Uza 1 , Ghulam Dastagir 1

The aim of the current study was to assess and compare the microscopic and pharmacognostic features of the selected parts of Astragalus scorpiurus Bunge. It is an annual and prostrate herb. Anatomy of leaves, stem, and root depicted a typical dicot structure. It will provide information regarding standardization and authentication. The powder drug study (Light Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy) revealed the presence of xylem and phloem vessels, epidermal fragments, cortical cells, fibers, parenchyma tissue, calcium oxalate crystals, nonglandular trichomes, anomocytic stomata, and so on. It will be helpful in identification and quality control. Pollen and seeds micro-morphological features were observed through LM and SEM. These will play a vital role in the taxonomical identification of taxa and provide satisfactory information for taxonomists. Fluorescence analysis revealed different colors under visible and UV light. Extractive values were determined. Powder of the plant parts revealed high extraction in methanol followed by ethanol. Elemental and nutritional profiling were evaluated during two phenological periods that is, vegetative and postflowering period. There were significant phenological variations in mineral and nutritional status of the herb. These parameters are crucial for drug prescription and drug designing. These also provided information regarding nutraceutical and therapeutic value of this herb.


