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Building back better: why we need to fix the health worker divide in Europe
European Journal of Public Health ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-14 , DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckab088
Martin McKee 1

How much is someone worth? The average annual income of the 500 chief executives of the companies rated highest by Standard & Poor was US$14.8 million in 2019. At the other end of the spectrum, a nurse in Romania could expect an annual salary of about €12 000 per year. Do our societies really believe that one CEO is worth 1233 nurses? And even if they did in 2019, did they still believe this in early 2020, when hospitals in many countries were facing imminent collapse? What use was the CEO of an internet startup then?



一个人值多少钱?2019 年,标准普尔评级最高的 500 名公司首席执行官的平均年收入为 1480 万美元。另一方面,罗马尼亚的一名护士预计年薪约为 12000 欧元。我们的社会真的相信一位 CEO 就值 1233 名护士吗?即使他们在 2019 年这样做了,他们是否还在 2020 年初相信这一点,当时许多国家的医院都面临着迫在眉睫的崩溃?互联网创业公司的 CEO 有什么用?