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Modern methods of detecting single photons and their application in quantum communications
Quantum Electronics Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.1070/qel17566
A A Koziy , A V Losev , V V Zavodilenko , Yu V Kurochkin , A A Gorbatsevich

We consider main methods for detecting single photons used in quantum communications, including the quantum key distribution (QKD) technology. Two most promising single photon detectors (SPDs) based on superconducting nanowires and on a single-photon avalanche diode are described. The most effective SPD designs are presented and their advantages and disadvantages are analysed from the point of view of the possibility of their use in QKD devices. The results of the work of various scientific groups conducting research on QKD are discussed, which makes it possible to trace the trends in the global technological development of this industry over the past five years.



我们考虑了用于检测量子通信中使用的单光子的主要方法,包括量子密钥分发 (QKD) 技术。描述了基于超导纳米线和单光子雪崩二极管的两种最有前途的单光子探测器 (SPD)。介绍了最有效的 SPD 设计,并从它们在 QKD 设备中使用的可能性的角度分析了它们的优缺点。讨论了进行 QKD 研究的各个科学团体的工作成果,从而可以追溯该行业过去五年全球技术发展的趋势。
