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Architecting for Artificial Intelligence with Emerging Nanotechnology
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-12 , DOI: 10.1145/3445977
Sourabh Kulkarni 1 , Sachin Bhat 1 , Csaba Andras Moritz 1

Artificial Intelligence is becoming ubiquitous in products and services that we use daily. Although the domain of AI has seen substantial improvements over recent years, its effectiveness is limited by the capabilities of current computing technology. Recently, there have been several architectural innovations for AI using emerging nanotechnology. These architectures implement mathematical computations of AI with circuits that utilize physical behavior of nanodevices purpose-built for such computations. This approach leads to a much greater efficiency vs. software algorithms running on von Neumann processors or CMOS architectures, which emulate the operations with transistor circuits. In this article, we provide a comprehensive survey of these architectural directions and categorize them based on their contributions. Furthermore, we discuss the potential offered by these directions with real-world examples. We also discuss major challenges and opportunities in this field.



人工智能在我们日常使用的产品和服务中无处不在。尽管近年来人工智能领域取得了长足的进步,但其有效性受到当前计算技术能力的限制。最近,有几项使用新兴纳米技术的人工智能架构创新。这些架构通过利用专门为此类计算构建的纳米设备的物理行为的电路来实现 AI 的数学计算。与在冯诺依曼处理器或 CMOS 架构上运行的软件算法相比,这种方法的效率要高得多,后者模拟了晶体管电路的操作。在本文中,我们对这些架构方向进行了全面的调查,并根据它们的贡献对其进行分类。此外,我们用现实世界的例子讨论了这些方向提供的潜力。我们还讨论了该领域的主要挑战和机遇。