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Predictors of music performance anxiety in conservatory students
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356211032290
Mariola Lupiáñez 1 , Francisco de Paula Ortiz 1 , Jaime Vila 1 , Miguel A. Muñoz 1

Music performance anxiety (MPA) is one of the main problems experienced by music students. It manifests in affective, cognitive, somatic, and behavioral symptoms that can occur regardless of the quality of the musical performance. The aim of this study was to perform a regression analysis to determine the variables that contribute to the prediction of MPA in conservatory students. A total of 295 Spanish music students aged 15–68 years enrolled in Spanish conservatories completed a battery of questionnaires selected to collect information about demographic characteristics, musical training, learning processes, and health and psychological variables. Pearson’s correlations and ANOVA were calculated, and a regression analysis was done to predict the development of MPA. The results showed that MPA is largely predicted by health and psychological variables, including depression, fear of negative evaluation, social avoidance, poor achievement motivation, and use of substances to alleviate MPA. Age at first musical performance with an audience was the only musical training variable with sufficient strength to predict MPA (the older the participant, the greater the MPA). The article concludes with a discussion of the need to implement psychological and educational counseling in music education centers as well as specific training to increase the quality of the musical career and personal wellbeing of the students.



音乐表演焦虑(MPA)是音乐学生遇到的主要问题之一。它表现为情感、认知、躯体和行为症状,无论音乐表演的质量如何,都可能发生。本研究的目的是进行回归分析,以确定有助于预测音乐学院学生 MPA 的变量。共有 295 名在西班牙音乐学院就读的 15-68 岁西班牙音乐学生完成了一系列调查问卷,这些问卷旨在收集有关人口特征、音乐训练、学习过程以及健康和心理变量的信息。计算 Pearson 相关性和 ANOVA,并进行回归分析以预测 MPA 的发展。结果表明,MPA 在很大程度上是由健康和心理变量预测的,包括抑郁、对负面评价的恐惧、社交回避、成就动机差以及使用物质来缓解 MPA。与观众一起进行首次音乐表演时的年龄是唯一具有足够强度来预测 MPA 的音乐训练变量(参与者年龄越大,MPA 越大)。文章最后讨论了在音乐教育中心实施心理和教育咨询以及具体培训以提高学生音乐生涯质量和个人福祉的必要性。与观众一起进行首次音乐表演时的年龄是唯一具有足够强度来预测 MPA 的音乐训练变量(参与者年龄越大,MPA 越大)。文章最后讨论了在音乐教育中心实施心理和教育咨询以及具体培训以提高学生音乐生涯质量和个人福祉的必要性。与观众一起进行首次音乐表演时的年龄是唯一具有足够强度来预测 MPA 的音乐训练变量(参与者年龄越大,MPA 越大)。文章最后讨论了在音乐教育中心实施心理和教育咨询以及具体培训以提高学生音乐生涯质量和个人福祉的必要性。
