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Protective Behaviors Against Particulate Air Pollution: Self-construal, Risk Perception, and Direct Experience in the Theory of Planned Behavior
Environmental Communication ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-12 , DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2021.1944891
Hye Kyung Kim 1 , Yungwook Kim 2


Guided by the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study examines how self-construal, risk perception, and direct experience change the relative importance of psychosocial motivators in predicting intentions to engage in three different protective behaviors against particulate air pollution. An online survey of 1245 South Koreans (Mage = 42.22, 50% male) showed that self-efficacy was the strongest predictor of self-protective intentions. For those who construed the self as independent and perceived a higher risk, self-efficacy was a more important determinant for protective intentions. Self-efficacy exerted less influence on the formation of behavioral intentions, for those whom risk impacted personally. This study contributes to the theoretical extension of the TPB, by addressing specific conditions under which the TPB improves its predictive power. This study also provides practical insights into communicating environmental risk and promoting self-protective behaviors against the risk.




本研究以计划行为理论 (TPB) 为指导,探讨了自我构念、风险感知和直接经验如何改变心理社会激励因素在预测针对颗粒物空气污染的三种不同保护行为的意图方面的相对重要性。1245名韩国人在线调查(M年龄 = 42.22, 50% 男性)表明自我效能是自我保护意图的最强预测因子。对于那些认为自我独立并认为风险更高的人来说,自我效能是保护意图的更重要决定因素。自我效能感对行为意向形成的影响较小,对于那些风险影响个人的人。这项研究通过解决 TPB 提高其预测能力的特定条件,为 TPB 的理论扩展做出了贡献。本研究还为交流环境风险和促进针对风险的自我保护行为提供了实用的见解。
