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Palliative care, increasing activity following stroke, and whether to use bridging therapy before thrombectomy
International Journal of Stroke ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-12 , DOI: 10.1177/17474930211035600
Hugh S Markus 1

Current stroke care can transform our patients lives. However we still have all too many cases where despite our best efforts stroke results in devastating brain injury. Stroke also often occurs on the background of other comorbidities such as dementia which amplify its effect on normal functioning. In such situations we are frequently faced with the question of when to offer palliative care, and how it can be best delivered. Despite its importance, this is a subject that has been very neglected in the research arena. In this issue of the International Journal of Stroke (IJS) Gillian Mead and colleagues review this important area.1 Their review covers research on palliative care and stroke published since 2015 and looks at three broad categories: the scope and scale of palliative care needs, the organization of palliative care for stroke, and decision making. They highlight a lack of evidence about which are the best interventions to address specific symptoms and to improve shared decision making. They also highlight a dearth of literature from low- and middle-income countries and racial disparities in access to palliative care after stroke. This is an area which deserves much more research.



当前的中风护理可以改变我们患者的生活。然而,我们仍然有太多的案例,尽管我们尽了最大的努力,中风还是导致了毁灭性的脑损伤。中风也经常发生在其他合并症的背景下,例如痴呆症,这会放大其对正常功能的影响。在这种情况下,我们经常面临什么时候提供姑息治疗以及如何最好地提供姑息治疗的问题。尽管它很重要,但这是一个在研究领域被非常忽视的主题。在本期国际卒中杂志( IJS ) 中,Gillian Mead 及其同事回顾了这一重要领域。1他们的综述涵盖了自 2015 年以来发表的关于姑息治疗和中风的研究,并着眼于三大类:姑息治疗需求的范围和规模、中风姑息治疗的组织和决策。他们强调缺乏证据表明哪些是解决特定症状和改善共同决策的最佳干预措施。他们还强调了中低收入国家文献的缺乏以及中风后获得姑息治疗的种族差异。这是一个值得更多研究的领域。