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Current and potential geographic distribution of red palm mite (Raoiella indica Hirst) in Brazil
Ecological Informatics ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101396
George Amaro 1 , Elisangela Gomes Fidelis 2 , Ricardo Siqueira da Silva 3 , Cristian Madeira de Medeiros 4

The red palm mite, Raoiella indica Hirst, is the most invasive pest, having spread quickly to several countries. In Brazil it is already present in several regions and has a high potential for dispersion to other regions, which could severely affect the cultivation of coconuts, bananas, native and exotic palm trees, and tropical flowers, such as those of the Heliconiaceae family. Thus, we aimed to determine the regions of Brazil most prone to the occurrence of R. indica using Maxent with updated data on its occurrence and a selection of bioclimatic variables that may influence its establishment. The occurrence data used were obtained through a literature search, online databases, and surveys carried out in the field. The model indicated a high potential for the establishment of R. indica in the following locations: a large part of the State of Roraima, the eastern part of the State of Amazonas, the northern and central-western parts of the State of Pará, and parts of the states of Acre and Amapá (North Region); the coast of Brazil from Rio Grande do Norte to the states of Paraíba, Pernanbuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia (Northeast Region); the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, the far east of Minas Gerais, and almost the entire state of São Paulo, except the northern part (Southeast Region); most of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul and the most southern portion of the State of Mato Grosso (Midwest Region); and the northern part of the State of Paraná and small parts of the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul (South Region). The bioclimatic variables that most influenced the potential geographical distribution of R. indica were precipitation of driest month (Bio14), precipitation of wettest month (Bio13), mean diurnal range (Bio2), and isothermality (Bio3). The parameterization for the Maxent model provides an updated model to prevention invasion of R. indica due updated data on its occurrence used. Thus, potential geographic distribution of R. indica in Brazil should be consider from this study.


巴西红棕螨(Raoiella indica Hirst)的当前和潜在地理分布

红棕螨Raoiella indica Hirst 是最具入侵性的害虫,已迅速传播到多个国家。在巴西,它已经存在于几个地区,并且很有可能扩散到其他地区,这可能会严重影响椰子、香蕉、本地和外来棕榈树以及热带花卉(如葫芦科植物)的种植。因此,我们的目标是使用 Maxent确定巴西最容易发生籼稻的地区,以及有关其发生的最新数据和可能影响其建立的生物气候变量的选择。所使用的发生数据是通过文献检索、在线数据库和实地调查获得的。该模型表明建立籼稻在以下地点:罗赖马州的大部分地区、亚马逊州的东部、帕拉州的北部和中西部地区,以及阿克里州和阿马帕州的部分地区(北部地区);巴西海岸从北里奥格兰德州到帕拉伊巴州、伯南布哥州、阿拉戈斯州、塞尔希佩州和巴伊亚州(东北地区);里约热内卢州和圣埃斯皮里图州,米纳斯吉拉斯州的远东,以及几乎整个圣保罗州,除了北部(东南地区);南马托格罗索州的大部分地区和马托格罗索州的最南部(中西部地区);巴拉那州北部以及圣卡塔琳娜州和南里奥格兰德州(南部地区)的小部分地区。籼稻是最干月降水量(Bio14)、最湿月降水量(Bio13)、平均日差(Bio2)和等温性(Bio3)。Maxent 模型的参数化提供了一个更新的模型,以防止R. indica入侵,因为使用了有关其发生的更新数据。因此,本研究应考虑巴西籼稻的潜在地理分布。
