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Administrative Measures Against Far-Right Protesters: An Example of Japan’s Social Control
Social Science Japan Journal ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1093/ssjj/jyab005

Japan’s pre-emptive approach to far-right demonstrations has had a significant impact. Far-right street protests accompanied by hate speech have been rapidly decreasing, although Japan has not introduced penalties. Why did the Japanese approach have such an effect? While the regulation of hate speech in Japan has been discussed mainly in legal studies, Japan’s use of administrative measures against hate speech has not been emphasized. Focusing on the implementation of the 2016 Hate Speech Law, this article examines administrative measures against far-right protestors as an example of Japan’s ‘soft’ approach to social control: not directly banning but discouraging social activities that are deemed harmful to social harmony. These measures have a pre-emptive character and are implemented based on a prior consensus between local officials and far-right activists about appropriate ways to use public spaces and possible expressions. This article also shows that Japan’s treatment of both far-right protesters and counterdemonstrators is guided by the harmony-related concept of kenka ryōseibai, which imposes punishment on both parties in a private quarrel, whether right or wrong. Japan’s approach to far-right protests thereby differs from the conventional American and European approaches in terms of both forms of regulation and central values.



日本对极右翼示威的先发制人方式产生了重大影响。伴随仇恨言论的极右翼街头抗议活动迅速减少,尽管日本尚未实施处罚。为什么日本的做法会产生这样的效果?虽然日本对仇恨言论的监管主要在法律研究中进行了讨论,但并未强调日本对仇恨言论采取行政措施。本文以 2016 年《仇恨言论法》的实施为重点,以日本对社会控制的“软”方法为例,考察了针对极右翼抗议者的行政措施:不是直接禁止而是阻止被认为有害于社会和谐的社会活动。这些措施具有先发制人的特点,并且是基于地方官员和极右翼活动家之间关于适当使用公共空间和可能的表达方式的事先共识而实施的。这篇文章还表明,日本对待极右翼抗议者和反示威者的方式都是以和谐相关的概念为指导的,即在私人争吵中对双方进行惩罚,无论是对还是错。因此,日本对极右翼抗议的做法在监管形式和核心价值观方面都不同于传统的美国和欧洲做法。这篇文章还表明,日本对待极右翼抗议者和反示威者的方式都是以和谐相关的概念为指导的,即在私人争吵中对双方进行惩罚,无论是对还是错。因此,日本对极右翼抗议的做法在监管形式和核心价值观方面都不同于传统的美国和欧洲做法。这篇文章还表明,日本对待极右翼抗议者和反示威者的方式都是以和谐相关的概念为指导的,即在私人争吵中对双方进行惩罚,无论是对还是错。因此,日本对极右翼抗议的做法在监管形式和核心价值观方面都不同于传统的美国和欧洲做法。