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Quantitative characterization of horizontal well production performance with multiple indicators: a case study on the Weiyuan shale gas field in the Sichuan Basin, China
Frontiers of Earth Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11707-021-0885-x
Rongze Yu 1 , Wei Guo 1 , Lin Ding 1 , Meizhu Wang 1 , Feng Cheng 1 , Xiaowei Zhang 1 , Shangwen Zhou 1 , Leifu Zhang 1

To quantitatively characterize the horizontal shale gas well productivity and identify the dominant productivity factors in the Weiyuan Shale Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, a practical productivity method involving multiple indicators was proposed to analyze the production performance of 150 horizontal wells. The normalized test production, flowback ratio, first-year initial production and estimated/expected ultimate recovery (EUR) were introduced to estimate the well productivity in different production stages. The correlation between these four indicators was determined to reveal their effects on production performance forecasts. In addition, the dominant productivity factors in the present stage were identified to provide guidance for production performance enhancement. Research indicates that favorable linear relations exist between the normalized test production, first-year initial production and EUR. The normalized test production is regarded as an important indicator to preliminarily characterize the well productivity in the initial stage. The first-year initial production is the most accurate productivity evaluation indicator after a year. The flowback ratio is a supplementary indicator that qualitatively represents the well productivity and fracturing performance. The well productivity is greatly dependent on the lateral target interval, drilling length of Long-maxi111 (LM111) and wellbore integrity. The first-year recovery degree of EUR is 24%–58% with a P50 value of 35%.



为定量表征四川盆地威远页岩气田页岩气水平井产能,识别主导产能因素,提出一种多指标实用产能方法,对150口水平井的生产动态进行分析。引入归一化测试产量、返排比、第一年初始产量和估计/预期最终采收率(EUR)来估计不同生产阶段的井产能。确定这四个指标之间的相关性以揭示它们对生产性能预测的影响。此外,还确定了现阶段的主导生产力因素,为提高生产性能提供指导。研究表明,标准化测试产量、第一年初始产量和 EUR 之间存在良好的线性关系。归一化试产是初步表征井产能的重要指标。第一年的初始产量是一年后最准确的生产力评价指标。返排率是定性表征井产能和压裂性能的补充指标。井产能很大程度上取决于横向目标层段、龙马溪1号钻井长度 第一年的初始产量是一年后最准确的生产力评价指标。返排率是定性表征井产能和压裂性能的补充指标。井产能很大程度上取决于横向目标层段、龙马溪1号钻井长度 第一年的初始产量是一年后最准确的生产力评价指标。返排率是定性表征井产能和压裂性能的补充指标。井产能很大程度上取决于横向目标层段、龙马溪1号钻井长度1 1 (LM1 1 1 ) 和井筒完整性。欧元的第一年回收率为 24%–58%,P50 值为 35%。
