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Peat-accumulation and Early Carboniferous environments of the Kizel Coal Basin, Urals, Russia
Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14798

The paper deals with the coal-bearing deposits of the Kizel Coal Basin (Perm region, the Urals, Russia), their lithological and geochemical composition and conditions of forming. Two most representative sections (“Gubakha-Stary Most” and “Krestovaya Mountain”) of the coal-bearing deposits are described in detail, in “layer-by-layer” technique (for details see text of the article). Brief characteristics of the Lower Carboniferous paleosols (FPS-profiles) of the studied region is given. Special attention is paid to the parent vegetation of the coal-forming processes, based on the analysis both macrofossils and palynoflora. The peat accumulation in conditions of permanent incoming of clastic material from Paleo-Urals to the Kizel basin could be effective only in more or less stable environments, when the accumulated organic matter produced by plant mortmass was not dissolved by clastic particles. Thus, the conditions of coal-forming are reconstructed as the forest swamp, where the main ediphicators were represented by lycopodiopsids of the order Lepidodendrales (mostly by the species Lepidodendron veltheimii). These plants in particular were the source of the initial organic matter for the peat/coal of the Kizel Coal basin.


俄罗斯乌拉尔 Kizel 煤盆地的泥炭堆积和早石炭世环境

本文讨论了 Kizel 煤盆地(彼尔姆地区,乌拉尔,俄罗斯)的含煤矿床,它们的岩性和地球化学成分以及形成条件。在“逐层”技术中详细描述了含煤矿床的两个最具代表性的断面(“Gubakha-Stary Most”和“Krestovaya Mountain”)(详见文章正文)。给出了研究区下石炭统古土壤(FPS-profiles)的简要特征。在对大型化石和孢粉菌群的分析的基础上,特别关注了成煤过程的母体植被。在碎屑物质从古乌拉尔永久进入基泽尔盆地的条件下,泥炭堆积只能在或多或少稳定的环境中有效,当植物腐殖质产生的累积有机物不被碎屑颗粒溶解时。因此,煤炭形成的条件被重建为森林沼泽,其中主要的除虫者以鳞片目石松属(主要由物种长毛鳞片)。这些植物尤其是 Kizel 煤盆地泥炭/煤的初始有机物来源。