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Deagrarianization in the making: The decline of family farming in central Poland, its roots and social consequences
Journal of Rural Studies ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.08.002
Aleksandra Bilewicz 1 , Izabella Bukraba-Rylska 2

In this article, the authors reflect on social consequences of the deagrarianization process, based on their study conducted in the Błaszki commune in central Poland. The study shows deagrarianization in the making, as the region is prone to land being concentrated among the largest farms and to the deactivation of the majority of smallholders. Our research indicates how farmers specialize, quit livestock farming, and endure work overload. It also shows attitudes among younger farmers, who in most cases reject farming as their future career. Among the social consequences of deagrarianization, we note the erosion of community life, conflicts between entrepreneurial farmers and smallholders, and growing distrust. We then reflect on the deagrarianization process's roots, which lie in anti-peasant prejudices and the modernization paradigm in Polish social sciences and in the public sphere.



在这篇文章中,作者根据他们在波兰中部 Błaszki 公社进行的研究,反思了去土地化过程的社会后果。该研究表明,去农业化正在酝酿之中,因为该地区倾向于将土地集中在最大的农场中,并且大多数小农失去活力。我们的研究表明农民如何专业化、退出畜牧业并忍受超负荷工作。它还显示了年轻农民的态度,他们在大多数情况下拒绝将农业作为他们未来的职业。在去农业化的社会后果中,我们注意到社区生活的侵蚀、创业农民和小农之间的冲突以及日益增长的不信任。然后我们反思去农业化过程的根源,
