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Issue Information
Genes to Cells ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-10 , DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12786

Front cover: Kikkoden is an event that used to be held on July 7th of the old lunisolar calendar, and is the prototype of Tanabata (Star Festival). On that day, people offered fruits and threads in hopes of improving their handicraft skills. We will follow the same practice and offer serial and coronal sections of the brain and watermelon rinds sliced in the hope of improving our skill of making paraffi n-embedded serial sections with a microtome. In drawing the serial and coronal sections of the brain, we referred to G. Paxinos and C. Watson (1998) The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, 4th ed., Academic Press. Designed by TRAIS Co., Ltd. (Kobe, Japan).



封面:龟甲电是过去在旧阴历7月7日举行的一项活动,是七夕(七夕节)的雏形。那天,人们献上水果和线,希望能提高自己的手艺。我们将遵循相同的做法,提供大脑和西瓜皮切片的连续切片和冠状切片,以期提高我们使用切片机制作石蜡嵌入系列切片的技能。在绘制大脑的连续切片和冠状切片时,我们参考了 G. Paxinos 和 C. Watson (1998) The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates,第 4 版,学术出版社。由 TRAIS Co., Ltd.(日本神户)设计。