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Global transitioning: beyond the Covid-19 pandemic
Globalizations ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-10 , DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2021.1963201
James H. Mittelman 1


Picking up on Fernand Braudel’s schematic of three speeds of time, this article examines the overlapping periods of vaccine nationalism, viral globalization, and runaway capitalism: running away, meaning a lack of effective regulatory controls and lax democratic accountability. The stark contradiction between vaccine nationalism and a planetary health crisis propels this unfolding of history. The two tendencies feed one another, affording an opportunity to grasp the flow of history and the system’s fragility. This dynamic highlights the conundrum of equitable distribution of the drug on a world level. It draws attention to the imperative of replacing vaccine nationalism with a global vaccine ethics based on rectitude and social justice. This complex offers an opportunity to restructure the world in ways that are accountable, inclusive, and protective of the common good. In this way, Braudelian historicism is deployed to chart an avenue of inquiry about transitioning to a better world order.


全球转型:超越 Covid-19 大流行


本文借鉴 Fernand Braudel 的三种时间速度示意图,考察了疫苗民族主义、病毒全球化和失控资本主义的重叠时期:逃跑,意味着缺乏有效的监管控制和松懈的民主问责制。疫苗民族主义与全球健康危机之间的鲜明矛盾推动了这一历史的展开。这两种趋势相辅相成,提供了把握历史潮流和制度脆弱性的机会。这种动态凸显了在世界范围内公平分配药物的难题。它提请注意用基于正直和社会正义的全球疫苗伦理取代疫苗民族主义的必要性。这个综合体提供了一个以负责任、包容、和保护共同利益。通过这种方式,布劳德式的历史主义被用来绘制一条关于过渡到更好的世界秩序的探究途径。
