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The suburbanization of poverty and minority populations in the 2000s: Two parallel or interrelated processes?
Journal of Urban Affairs ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-09 , DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2021.1947143
Fabian J. Terbeck 1, 2


Previous research on suburban poverty has found evidence that the population growth of minorities in suburbs is associated with higher poverty rates. However, it has remained unclear whether the changing poverty rates result from a shifting population composition in suburbs, rising poverty rates among one or more groups, or a combination of these processes. Here I estimate the relative strength of these processes for Asian, Black, Hispanic, and White populations in the Chicago-Joliet-Naperville metropolitan area using data from the 2000 census and 2008–2012 American Community Survey. The results show that between 67% and 92% of the poverty increase in suburbs is attributable to the increase in poverty and population growth of minorities. Most of the poverty increase is linked to the greater exposure of minorities to the economic effects of the Great Recession rather than their population growth. However, some of the poverty increase in inner-ring suburbs was linked to the population growth of poor minorities, especially Hispanics.


2000 年代贫困和少数民族人口的郊区化:两个平行或相互关联的过程?


此前对郊区贫困的研究发现,有证据表明郊区少数族裔人口的增长与较高的贫困率有关。然而,目前尚不清楚贫困率的变化是否是郊区人口结构变化、一个或多个群体贫困率上升的结果,还是这些过程的综合结果。在这里,我使用 2000 年人口普查和 2008-2012 年美国社区调查的数据估计了芝加哥-乔利埃特-内珀维尔大都市区的亚裔、黑人、西班牙裔和白人人口的这些过程的相对强度。结果显示,郊区贫困增加的67%至92%归因于贫困增加和少数民族人口增长。贫困的增加大部分与少数族裔更容易受到大衰退的经济影响有关,而不是与人口增长有关。然而,内环郊区贫困人口的增长在一定程度上与贫困少数民族(尤其是西班牙裔)的人口增长有关。
