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How Far Have We Come? An Updated Scoping Review of Young Carers in the U.S.
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-021-00783-8
Bailey A. Hendricks 1 , Marie A. Bakitas 1, 2 , Melinda S. Kavanaugh 3

Approximately 1.4 million young carers (aged 8–18) in the United States are providing multifaceted, extended care to adults with serious illness, in addition to their family, home, and/or school responsibilities. In 2015 an initial review of U.S. research on young carers highlighted the need for longitudinal research, interventions, and national policy. The aim of this review is to identify young carer research since the original review to assess progress in better serving young carers’ needs and to identify persistent gaps for future research. Using Arksey & O’Malley’s Scoping Review Framework to answer our research question of how many studies have been conducted since the initial review, we (1) identified relevant studies, (2) performed study selection, (3) charted the data, and (4) summarized and reported results. We also reviewed young carer research outside of the U.S. to compare transnational progress. The search yielded only four U.S. studies representing 507 CC; age range 8–25 years. Most often the young carers reported more responsibilities than the adult care recipient and a variety of factors contributing to their experience. A separate review yielded eight non-U.S. studies and similar findings. Mirroring the 2015 review, results detail a lack of consistency regarding the terminology and age range for young carers. Despite a previous call to action, there exists both a continued need for tailored interventions to prevent or mitigate potential negative outcomes related to the caregiving role, and a need for further research and global policy development.



除了家庭、家庭和/或学校责任之外,美国大约有 140 万名年轻护理人员(8-18 岁)正在为患有严重疾病的成年人提供多方面的扩展护理。2015 年对美国年轻照护者研究的初步审查强调了纵向研究、干预和国家政策的必要性。本次审查的目的是确定自最初审查以来的年轻照护者研究,以评估在更好地满足年轻照护者需求方面的进展,并确定未来研究中持续存在的差距。使用 Arksey & O'Malley 的范围审查框架来回答我们的研究问题,即自初次审查以来已经进行了多少研究,我们 (1) 确定了相关研究,(2) 进行了研究选择,(3) 绘制了数据,以及 ( 4) 总结和报告结果。我们还审查了美国以外的年轻护理人员研究,以比较跨国进展。搜索仅产生了代表 507 CC 的四项美国研究;年龄范围 8-25 岁。大多数情况下,年轻照料者比成人照料者承担了更多的责任,以及影响他们经历的各种因素。一项单独的审查产生了八项非美国研究和类似的发现。与 2015 年的审查结果相似,结果详细说明了年轻护理人员的术语和年龄范围缺乏一致性。尽管之前呼吁采取行动,但仍然需要量身定制的干预措施来预防或减轻与护理角色相关的潜在负面结果,并且需要进一步研究和制定全球政策。S. 代表 507 CC 的研究;年龄范围 8-25 岁。大多数情况下,年轻照料者比成人照料者承担了更多的责任,以及影响他们经历的各种因素。一项单独的审查产生了八项非美国研究和类似的发现。与 2015 年的审查结果相似,结果详细说明了年轻护理人员的术语和年龄范围缺乏一致性。尽管之前呼吁采取行动,但仍然需要量身定制的干预措施来预防或减轻与护理角色相关的潜在负面结果,并且需要进一步研究和制定全球政策。S. 代表 507 CC 的研究;年龄范围 8-25 岁。大多数情况下,年轻照料者比成人照料者承担了更多的责任,以及影响他们经历的各种因素。一项单独的审查产生了八项非美国研究和类似的发现。与 2015 年的审查结果相似,结果详细说明了年轻护理人员的术语和年龄范围缺乏一致性。尽管之前呼吁采取行动,但仍然需要量身定制的干预措施来预防或减轻与护理角色相关的潜在负面结果,并且需要进一步研究和制定全球政策。一项单独的审查产生了八项非美国研究和类似的发现。与 2015 年的审查结果相似,结果详细说明了年轻护理人员的术语和年龄范围缺乏一致性。尽管之前呼吁采取行动,但仍然需要量身定制的干预措施来预防或减轻与护理角色相关的潜在负面结果,并且需要进一步研究和制定全球政策。一项单独的审查产生了八项非美国研究和类似的发现。与 2015 年的审查结果相似,结果详细说明了年轻护理人员的术语和年龄范围缺乏一致性。尽管之前呼吁采取行动,但仍然需要量身定制的干预措施来预防或减轻与护理角色相关的潜在负面结果,并且需要进一步研究和制定全球政策。
