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The Internet of Things Comes to the Farm: Growers connecting to a range of data at their fingertips.
BioScience ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-26 , DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab064
Carolyn Beans 1

Imagine a future in which farmers manage crops with the touch of a tablet. “I have this vision of what it would look like,” says Nadia Shakoor, senior research scientist at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Drones fly over fields, sending alerts at the first sign of insect pests. Robots roll past crops, identifying disease. Soil sensors trigger water to spray only where crops are parched. The farmer, tablet in hand, remains at the helm—without being so tethered to the land. Maybe farmers sit on porches, says Shakoor, or “they are on a beach in Florida, and they are monitoring their farm.”



想象一个农民通过平板电脑管理庄稼的未来。密苏里州圣路易斯市唐纳德丹佛斯植物科学中心的高级研究科学家 Nadia Shakoor 说:“我对它的样子有这样的设想。” 无人机飞过田野,在发现害虫的第一个迹象时发出警报。机器人滚过庄稼,识别疾病。土壤传感器仅在作物干燥的地方触发水喷洒。手里拿着平板电脑的农民仍然掌舵——不受土地的束缚。也许农民坐在门廊上,Shakoor 说,或者“他们在佛罗里达的海滩上,他们正在监视他们的农场。”