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Public preferences for five electricity grid decarbonization policies in California
Review of Policy Research ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-10 , DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12442
Hilary Boudet 1 , Chad Zanocco 2 , Greg Stelmach 1 , Mahmood Muttaqee 1 , June Flora 2

The climate crisis and associated push for distributed, renewable electricity generation necessitate policy changes to decarbonize and modernize the electricity grid. Some of these changes—e.g., smart meter rollouts and tax credits for solar panel adoption—have received attention in the media and from social scientists to understand public perceptions and responses. Others—e.g., allowing peer-to-peer electricity sales, promoting residential electrification, requiring solar panels on new development, funding microgrids, and paying customers to allow for utility control of electricity use—have received less attention. Here, we explore public perceptions of these understudied policies among California residents (n = 804), a state recognized for innovative energy policy. A majority of respondents supported only one of the policies—requiring solar panels on new development. Others elicited more indecision; few were strongly opposed. In general, male respondents and those with college degrees were more supportive of such policies, as were those more concerned about climate change and with a more open orientation to smart home technologies.



气候危机和相关的分布式可再生能源发电推动政策需要改变,以实现电网脱碳和现代化。其中一些变化——例如,智能电表的推出和太阳能电池板采用的税收抵免——已经受到媒体和社会科学家的关注,以了解公众的看法和反应。其他方面——例如,允许点对点电力销售、促进住宅电气化、要求在新开发项目上安装太阳能电池板、资助微电网以及向客户付费以允许公用事业控制电力使用——受到的关注较少。在这里,我们探讨了加州居民对这些未被充分研究的政策的公众看法(n = 804),该州因创新能源政策而受到认可。大多数受访者仅支持其中一项政策——要求在新开发项目中使用太阳能电池板。其他人则更加犹豫不决;很少有人强烈反对。总体而言,男性受访者和拥有大学学位的受访者更支持此类政策,而那些更关注气候变化并对智能家居技术持更开放态度的受访者也是如此。