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The collection of Fabio Fani: Carracci, Luti, Garzi, sharks’ teeth and the ‘nail of the Great Beast’
Journal of the History of Collections ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1093/jhc/fhaa055
Guendalina Serafinelli

This article examines the collection of the neglected nobleman Fabio Fani, based on the evidence of his inventory drawn up in 1730. Housed in his Roman palace facing Piazza Borghese, Fabio’s collection consisted of more than 400 paintings, including works by notable artists. Prominent among them were two unusually monumental cycles by Benedetto Luti and Luigi Garzi, which now can be reconstructed and partly identified with paintings in public and private collections. In Fani’s palace there was also a cabinet of curiosities featuring naturalia, artificialia and objects from distant lands, as well as two rooms in which books on a variety of subjects were kept. A study of the display of art in Fabio’s residence and its dialogue with the space of the palace, the objects in the cabinet and the books furthers our understanding of collecting and display in early modern Rome.


Fabio Fani 的收藏:Carracci、Luti、Garzi、鲨鱼的牙齿和“野兽之爪”

本文根据被忽视的贵族法比奥·法尼 (Fabio Fani) 于 1730 年编制的清单,审查了他的收藏品。法比奥的收藏品位于他面向博尔盖塞广场 (Piazza Borghese) 的罗马宫殿中,包括 400 多幅画作,其中包括著名艺术家的作品。其中突出的是 Benedetto Luti 和 Luigi Garzi 的两个不同寻常的纪念性周期,现在可以重建,部分可以与公共和私人收藏的画作相结合。在法尼的宫殿里,还有一个陈列着自然、人工制品和来自遥远国度的物品的珍品柜,还有两个房间,里面存放着各种主题的书籍。研究法比奥住所中的艺术展示及其与宫殿空间的对话,