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Intercropping forage cactus with sorghum affects the morphophysiology and phenology of forage cactus
African Journal of Range & Forage Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-06 , DOI: 10.2989/10220119.2021.1949749
Alexandre Maniçoba da Rosa Ferraz Jardim 1, 2 , Luciana Sandra Bastos de Souza 2 , Cleber Pereira Alves 2 , Jandis Ferreira Nunes de Araújo 2 , Carlos André Alves de Souza 1 , Antonio Gebson Pinheiro 1 , Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo 3 , Fleming Sena Campos 4 , José Nildo Tabosa 5 , Thieres George Freire da Silva 1, 2

The aim of this study was to evaluate morphophysiological indices, phenology and cutting time of forage cactus (Opuntia and Nopalea spp.) clones intercropped with sorghum cultivars (Sorghum bicolor). The experiment was carried out from 2017 to 2018, in two cropping systems (monocropping and intercropping), comprising 12 treatments, consisted of three cactus clones: ‘IPA Sertânia’—IPA, ‘Miúda’—Miu and ‘Orelha de Elefante Mexicana’— OEM, in a monocropping system and nine combinations the cacti and sorghum (cultivars 467, SF11 and 2502) to comprise each of the intercropping systems. Cladodes morphophysiological indices were obtained: absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate (NAR), specific cladode area rate (SCAR) and the cladode area index rate. OEM showed higher absolute growth rates at the beginning of the cycle, compared with IPA and Miu. NAR was higher in the monocropped OEM and in the OEM-2502 intercrop than under all the IPA and Miu systems (monocropping and intercropping), but the SCAR rate was higher for IPA (monocrop and intercropped). Miu showed a shorter duration of phenophase 2, but OEM had a higher rate of cladode emission during this phase. Cactus-sorghum intercropping systems cause a significant reduction in growth rates of the forage cactus. Intercropping has an earlier cutting time than the monocropping.



本研究的目的是评价饲用仙人掌(OpuntiaNopalea spp.)无性系与高粱品种(Sorghum bicolor )间作的形态生理指标、物候和收割时间。)。该实验于 2017 年至 2018 年进行,采用两种种植系统(单作和间作),包括 12 个处理,由三个仙人掌克隆组成:“IPA Sertânia”—IPA、“Miúda”—Miu 和“Orelha de Elefante Mexicana”— OEM,在单作系统中以及仙人掌和高粱(品种 467、SF11 和 2502)的九种组合组成每个间作系统。获得枝叶形态生理指标:绝对生长速率、相对生长速率、净同化率(NAR)、比枝枝面积率(SCAR)和枝枝面积指数率。与 IPA 和 Miu 相比,OEM 在周期开始时表现出更高的绝对增长率。单作 OEM 和 OEM-2502 间作的 NAR 高于所有 IPA 和 Miu 系统(单作和间作),但 IPA(单作和间作)的 SCAR 率较高。Miu 显示物候期 2 的持续时间较短,但 OEM 在此阶段的分支发射率较高。仙人掌-高粱间作系统导致饲料仙人掌的生长速度显着降低。间作的收割时间比单作早。
