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Understanding Teacher Learning Through Teacher-Created Knowledge Products and Transactions
SAGE Open ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1177/21582440211032659
Xiaozhe Yang, Pei-Yu Cheng, Yueh-Min Huang

Mutual learning between teachers and their colleagues plays a vital role in their professional growth. However, previous studies show that collaborative teacher learning tends to be confined to small groups, and that it is difficult to make it explicit, showcase, or transfer teachers’ tacit knowledge. This study explores this problem by creating a digital system that allows teachers to create, display, and trade their knowledge products; 508 teachers from one K–12 school created and traded their knowledge products, while 1,148 teachers from other schools participated in the knowledge product transaction on the digital system. Using social network analysis, we discovered that teachers use this method to generate a lot of interaction and that teachers who taught similar subject areas communicated more with one another. There is a significant correlation among each teacher’s number of created knowledge products, knowledge products sold, and the number of knowledge products purchased from others. The study has potential to contribute to research on teacher learning, thinking, and actions.



教师和同事之间的相互学习对他们的专业成长起着至关重要的作用。然而,以往的研究表明,教师协作学习往往局限于小团体,难以明确、展示或转移教师的隐性知识。本研究通过创建一个数字系统来探索这个问题,该系统允许教师创建、展示和交易他们的知识产品;一所 K-12 学校的 508 名教师创造并交易了他们的知识产品,而其他学校的 1,148 名教师参与了数字系统上的知识产品交易。通过社交网络分析,我们发现教师使用这种方法产生了大量互动,并且教授相似学科领域的教师彼此之间的交流更多。每位教师创造的知识产品数量、销售的知识产品数量和从他人处购买的知识产品数量之间存在显着相关性。该研究有可能为教师学习、思考和行动的研究做出贡献。
