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Exploring the challenges of implementing design for excellence in industrialized construction projects in China
Building Research & Information ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-06 , DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2021.1961574
Ibrahim Yahaya Wuni 1 , Zezhou Wu 2 , Geoffrey Qiping Shen 1


It is recognized that design for excellence (DfX) methods could deliver significant performance improvements in industrialized construction (IC) projects. However, DfX methods in IC projects in China have been stifled, and existing solutions have failed to deliver expected outcomes. This study investigated the significance of thirty-one challenges of implementing DfX methods in IC projects in China using a questionnaire survey of domain practitioners and academics. Statistical analysis showed that all the challenges were perceived as significant. The top five significant challenges are linked to limited systematic rules, required additional commitment, code compliance complexities, higher design costs, and requirements for continuous design performance evaluation. The study established four principal constraints: limited knowledge and organizational readiness, unsupportive entrenched industry practices, increased organizational financial burden, and deficits in bespoke technical requirements. Therefore, the study offers a fresh insight into the challenges of implementing DfX methods in IC projects in China. It provides supporting evidence for developing countermeasures to improve the wider implementation of DfX in IC projects. The investigated challenges contribute to the theoretical checklist of constraints to implementing DfX methods in IC projects and may form a useful basis for future research.
