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Decision Making by Practitioners in the Social Professions Involved in Compulsory Admission to Mental Health Hospital: A Scoping Review
The British Journal of Social Work ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-13 , DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab164
Simon Abbott 1

This scoping review examined the literature on decision making by practitioners in the social professions involved in compulsory admission to mental health hospital in the UK. This aimed to find out(i) what processes shape social profession decision making about compulsory admission to mental health hospitals in practice? and (ii) what methods have informed studies in this area, and how have these shaped the current state of knowledge? Three main themes emerged are: professional positioning; characteristics of the person assessed; and organisational factors. The literature has approached answering this question by focusing on social professional jurisdictional perspectives, emphasising concern whether a social perspective is privileged in decision making. Lack of realistic options to avoid in-patient care underpins decisions to detain. The process involves a logistical challenge for the social profession. The social milieu of those assessed is associated with social vulnerability and social deprivation, highlighting the relevance for social work. Concerns about risk and a citizen’s lack of mental capacity to make decisions about care are associated with decisions to detain. Implications for social work include a need for research that explores the institutional and social context of decision making. Finally, implementing supported decision making in social work practice is proposed as an imperative for future research.



该范围审查审查了有关英国强制进入精神卫生医院的社会专业从业人员决策的文献。这旨在找出(i)在实践中,哪些过程会影响社会专业关于强制进入精神卫生医院的决策?(ii) 哪些方法为该领域的研究提供了参考,这些方法如何塑造了当前的知识状态?出现的三个主要主题是:专业定位;被评估人的特征;和组织因素。文献通过关注社会专业管辖视角来回答这个问题,强调关注社会视角是否在决策中享有特权。缺乏避免住院治疗的现实选择是拘留决定的基础。该过程涉及社会专业的后勤挑战。被评估者的社会环境与社会脆弱性和社会剥夺有关,突出了与社会工作的相关性。对风险的担忧和公民缺乏做出护理决定的心智能力与拘留决定有关。对社会工作的影响包括需要进行探索决策制定的制度和社会背景的研究。最后,建议在社会工作实践中实施支持决策作为未来研究的必要条件。对风险的担忧和公民缺乏做出护理决定的心智能力与拘留决定有关。对社会工作的影响包括需要进行探索决策制定的制度和社会背景的研究。最后,建议在社会工作实践中实施支持决策作为未来研究的必要条件。对风险的担忧和公民缺乏做出护理决定的心智能力与拘留决定有关。对社会工作的影响包括需要进行探索决策制定的制度和社会背景的研究。最后,建议在社会工作实践中实施支持决策作为未来研究的必要条件。