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Poems, Routes
Qualitative Inquiry ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1177/10778004211035358
Devika Chawla 1

In March 2020 when the pandemic began, I found myself walking and scribbling in my notebook around the hills, country roads, and backroads of the Appalachian college town where I live and work. In the absence of human presence, I turned my attention to the nonhuman and the inanimate. Ultimately, my scribbles about these things took poetic form. I present here four poems and some notes on their emergence. They are a voice for the “tiny thoughts” that can occur around profound change or simply in the every day. I share them as my miniscule experience of long and short pandemic days, weeks, and months.



2020 年 3 月大流行开始时,我发现自己在我生活和工作的阿巴拉契亚大学城的山丘、乡间小路和小路上四处走动并在笔记本上涂鸦。在没有人类存在的情况下,我将注意力转向了非人类和无生命的事物。最终,我对这些事物的涂鸦变成了诗意的形式。我在此展示四首诗和关于它们出现的一些注释。它们是“微小的想法”的代言人,这些想法可能发生在深刻的变化中或只是在日常生活中。我将它们分享为我在大流行天、周和月中长短不一的微不足道的经历。
