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A spectroscopic approach to measuring meibum lipid composition and conformation in donors with Sjӧgren's syndrome
Experimental Eye Research ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.exer.2021.108713
Anthony Ewurum 1 , Sravya R Veligandla 1 , Jordan S Swindle 1 , Jeremy D Clark 1 , Douglas Borchman 1

Patients with Sjӧgren's syndrome (SS) have dry eye associated with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). The meibum from donors with dry eye due to MGD but without SS (MMGD) presents with lower levels of cholesteryl ester, less straight chains, and more ordered hydrocarbon chains compared with meibum from donors without MGD (Mn). The aim of the current study was to compare the composition and hydrocarbon chain conformation of meibum from donors with Sjögren's syndrome (Mss) to Mn and MMGD. Meibum was expressed from patients with SS using an ILUX instrument (Alcon Inc., Fort Worth TX). All of the nine meibum donors with SS were female. Meibum composition was characterized using 1H-NMR and meibum hydrocarbon chain conformation was measured using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Meibum from every donor with SS measured contained a significantly (P < 0.01) higher cholesteryl ester/wax ester ratio and more straight chains compared with donors without SS or dry eye. None of the nine phase transitional parameters were significantly different, P > 0.05, for Mss compared with Mn. Nor was the CH3/CH2 band height ratio used to estimate the number of hydrocarbon CH3 and CH2 moieties different, P = 0.22, for Mss compared with Mn.

In conclusion, the compositional differences between Mss compared with Mn did not result in differences in any of the nine meibum lipid phase transitional parameters measured. The compositional differences observed between Mss and Mn could be markers for or contribute to SS as the differences could lead to tear film lipid packing differences other than conformational differences.



干燥综合征(SS)患者患有与睑板腺功能障碍(MGD)相关的干眼症。与没有 MGD (Mn) 的供者的睑脂相比,因 MGD 而患有干眼症但没有 SS (M MGD ) 的供者的睑脂具有较低水平的胆固醇酯、较少的直链和更多的有序烃链。本研究的目的是将干燥综合征 (Mss) 捐献者的睑脂成分和烃链构象与 Mn 和 M MGD进行比较。使用 ILUX 仪器(Alcon Inc.,德克萨斯州沃斯堡)从 SS 患者中表达睑脂。九名患有 SS 的睑脂捐献者均为女性。使用1 H-NMR 表征睑脂组成,并使用傅里叶变换红外光谱测量睑脂烃链构象。与没有 SS 或干眼症的供体相比,每个测量到 SS 的供体的睑脂含有显着更高 (P < 0.01) 的胆固醇酯/蜡酯比率和更多的直链。与 Mn 相比,Mss 的九个相变参数均无显着差异( P > 0.05)。对于Mss与Mn相比,用于估计烃CH 3和CH 2部分数量的CH 3 /CH 2带高比也没有不同, P = 0.22。

总之,Mss 与 Mn 之间的成分差异不会导致测量的九个睑脂相变参数中任何一个的差异。 Mss 和 Mn 之间观察到的成分差异可能是 SS 的标志或促成因素,因为这些差异可能导致泪膜脂质堆积差异(而非构象差异)。
