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Exploring ‘the Angels’ Graveyard’: Relics, Sculpture and Ecclesiastical Power at Clonmore
Medieval Archaeology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1080/00766097.2021.1923891
Kate Colbert

AT THE ECCLESIASTICAL SITE OF CLONMORE, Co Carlow (Ireland), components of at least one, and possibly two, composite stone shrines were recently identified in the graveyard. This new archaeological evidence, together with its already considerable assemblage of early-medieval sculpture, supports a number of textual sources claiming that Clonmore housed a significant collection of corporeal saints’ relics. What makes Clonmore unusual in this regard is that it was reputed to possess a corporeal relic from every saint in Ireland, leading to its moniker Relic na nAingel (‘the Angels’ Graveyard’). Yet surprisingly, this site has been largely overlooked in recent studies. Using a combination of historical sources and archaeological evidence, this paper demonstrates that Clonmore’s identity was inextricably linked to its cult of relics and that its expression differed markedly from most other relic cults across Ireland and, to an extent, elsewhere in Western Europe – indicating that the cult of relics in Ireland was perhaps more diverse in its character and material manifestations than has been previously assumed.



在 CLONMORE、Co Carlow(爱尔兰)的教会遗址,最近在墓地中发现了至少一个,可能还有两个复合石神龛的组成部分。这一新的考古证据,连同其已经相当可观的中世纪早期雕塑组合,支持了许多文本来源,声称克朗莫尔收藏了大量有形圣徒的遗物。Clonmore 在这方面的不同寻常之处在于,它被认为拥有爱尔兰每位圣人的遗物,从而获得了它的绰号 Relic na nAingel(“天使的墓地”)。然而令人惊讶的是,这个网站在最近的研究中在很大程度上被忽视了。结合历史资料和考古证据,
