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Tectonics of the Greater India Proterozoic Fold Belt, with emphasis on the nature of curvature of the belt in west-central India
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103758
Anwesa Banerjee 1 , Nicole Sequeira 2 , Abhijit Bhattacharya 1

The Greater India Proterozoic Fold Belt (GIPFOB) is a curved highly tectonized zone dominated by Early Paleoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic magmatic and metamorphic rocks extending from NW India (Aravalli Delhi Fold Belt, ADFB) through central India (the Satpura Mobile Belt, SMB) to eastern India (the Chottanagpur Gneiss Complex, CGC). The continuity of the crustal domains within GIPFOB is obscured by the Gondwana Formation, the Mesozoic Deccan basalts, the intertrappean Bagh Beds and the infratrappean Lameta Formations, and younger alluvium. In supercontinent reconstructions the GIPFOB is speculated to be continuous with Proterozoic mobile belts in Western Australia and the Trans North China Orogen. The NNE-striking western arm (ADFB) of the GIPFOB is flanked by the North India Block (NIB) in the east and the Marwar Craton in the west, whereas the E-striking southern arm (CGC-SMB) is sandwiched between the South India Block (SIB) and the NIB. In the Godhra-Chhota Udepur sector (west-central India) the two arms converge.

We synthesize and compare existing data on mesoscale structures, U-Pb (zircon) and monazite chemical ages, and magmatic and metamorphic histories in the Precambrian crystalline rocks in the three crustal blocks to constrain the accretion dynamics in the GIPFOB with an emphasis on the origin of the curvature in the Godhra-Chhota Udepur sector. The CGC and the central and southern domains of the SMB share considerable homogeneity in chronology and regional structures. In the CGC, the early, N-striking steep-dipping tectonic fabrics in ~1.6 Ga anatectic gneisses with ~1.45 Ga and 1.05–0.9 Ga granitoids are modified into a carapace of shallowly-dipping tectonic mélange of recumbently folded basement gneisses and granitoid mylonites thurst over by allochthonous supracrustal rocks at ~0.95 Ga. The central and southern domains within SMB also exhibit the shallowly-dipping foliations and the emplacement of 1.05–0.9 Ga granitoids. The unmodified basement and the overlying tectonic mélange in the CGC-SMB are traversed by 1.0–0.9 Ga E-striking steep-dipping sinistral (dominant) and dextral (uncommon) shear zones that accommodated the Early Neoproterozoic transpressive deformation induced by the NIB-SIB oblique collision. The mesoscale structures in the rocks of the Godhra-Chhota Udepur sector intruded by Early Neoproterozoic granitoids and followed by oblique collision are similar to CGC-SMB. In the ADFB, by contrast, the basement rocks are older (Archean to Early Paleoproterozoic), high-grade metamorphism and felsic magmatism are older (1.8–1.7 Ga), the expansive ~1.45 Ga granitoids are absent, nappe structures are locally present, and expansive domains of the shallowly-dipping foliations are lacking. Overall, the tectonic evolution of the ADFB is incoherent with those in CGC-SMB and the GC sector.

We suggest that the structures in the N/NNE-striking western accretion arm terminate against the E-striking southern arm. The Early Neoproterozoic (1.0−0.9 Ga) integration of the crustal domains within the GIPFOB resulted due to broadly contemporaneous convergence of the NIB, the SIB and the Marwar Craton (?) during the Rodinia supercontinent assembly, but the accretion along the southern arm post-dated the accretion in the western arm. [482 words]



大印度元古代褶皱带(GIPFOB)是一个弯曲的高度构造带,以早古元古代到早新元古代岩浆和变质岩为主,从印度西北部(Aravalli Delhi 褶皱带,ADFB)延伸到印度中部(Satpura Mobile Belt,SMB)到印度东部(Chottanagpur 片麻岩复合体,CGC)。GIPFOB 内地壳域的连续性被冈瓦纳组、中生代德干玄武岩、层间 Bagh 床和层下 Lameta 组以及较年轻的冲积层所掩盖。在超大陆重建中,推测 GIPFOB 与西澳大利亚和横贯华北造山带的元古代移动带是连续的。GIPFOB 的 NNE 撞击西臂 (ADFB) 的两侧是东部的北印度地块 (NIB) 和西部的 Marwar Craton,而 E-striking 南臂 (CGC-SMB) 夹在南印度区块 (SIB) 和 NIB 之间。在 Godhra-Chhota Udepur 区(印度中西部),两条臂会聚。

我们综合并比较了三个地块中前寒武纪结晶岩中尺度结构、U-Pb(锆石)和独居石化学年龄以及岩浆和变质历史的现有数据,以限制 GIPFOB 中的吸积动力学,并强调起源Godhra-Chhota Udepur 扇区的曲率。CGC 和 SMB 的中部和南部区域在年代和区域结构上具有相当大的同质性。在 CGC 中,含有约 1.45 Ga 和 1.05-0.9 Ga 花岗岩的~1.6 Ga 深熔片麻岩中的早期 N 走向陡倾构造织物被改造成斜向折叠基底花岗岩和片麻岩的浅倾构造混杂物的甲壳被约 0.95 Ga 的外来地壳岩石推倒。SMB 的中部和南部区域也表现出浅倾的叶理和 1.05-0.9 Ga 花岗岩的侵位。CGC-SMB 中未修改的基底和上覆的构造混杂岩被 1.0-0.9 Ga 的 E-striking 左旋(主导)和右旋(不常见)剪切带穿过,这些剪切带适应了由 NIB-SIB 引起的早新元古代挤压变形斜向碰撞。Godhra-Chhota Udepur 段岩石中的中尺度构造被早新元古代花岗岩类侵入并随后发生斜向碰撞,与CGC-SMB 相似。相比之下,在 ADFB 中,基底岩石较旧(太古代至早古元古代),高等级变质作用和长英质岩浆作用较旧(1.8-1.7 Ga),没有~1.45 Ga 的膨胀花岗岩,局部存在推覆构造,并且缺乏浅浸叶理的广阔区域。总体而言,ADFB 的构造演化与 CGC-SMB 和 GC 部门的构造演化不一致。

我们建议在 N/NNE 撞击的西部吸积臂中的结构终止于 E 撞击的南部臂。GIPFOB 内地壳域的早期新元古代 (1.0-0.9 Ga) 整合是由于在 Rodinia 超大陆组装期间 NIB、SIB 和 Marwar Craton (?) 的广泛同时收敛,但沿南臂柱的增生- 确定了西臂的增生。[482 字]
