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Reflections on school safety from a threat assessment perspective
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1720
Dewey Cornell 1

Behavioral threat assessment is a violence prevention strategy that can be adapted for use in schools. The Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) is a form of behavioral threat assessment that is designed to recognize the developmental needs of youth and the mission of schools to help all students be successful. A multidisciplinary CSTAG team employing a five-step decision-tree will consider the student's intentions and the context of his/her behavior to distinguish transient threats that are not serious from the small proportion of substantive threats that require protective action to prevent violence. From a threat assessment perspective, schools are not as dangerous as the public perceives, but less obvious problems in the school climate such as bullying and harassment require attention. CSTAG teams are oriented to helping students with the conflicts that underlie their threatening behavior rather than responding with a punitive, zero tolerance approach. Six controlled studies have supported the safety and effectiveness of the CSTAG model.



行为威胁评估是一种可以适用于学校的暴力预防策略。综合学校威胁评估指南 (CSTAG) 是一种行为威胁评估形式,旨在识别青年的发展需求和学校帮助所有学生取得成功的使命。采用五步决策树的多学科 CSTAG 团队将考虑学生的意图和他/她的行为背景,以区分不严重的短暂威胁和需要采取保护措施以防止暴力的小部分实质性威胁。从威胁评估的角度来看,学校并不像公众认为的那么危险,但校园环境中的欺凌和骚扰等不太明显的问题需要引起注意。CSTAG 团队致力于帮助学生解决威胁行为背后的冲突,而不是采取惩罚性的、零容忍的方法来应对。六项对照研究支持 CSTAG 模型的安全性和有效性。