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Current understanding of the development of sex attractant-based biocontrol in burnet moths
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2021.08.002
Xue-Min Chen 1 , Xiao-Yun Wang 1 , ·Wen Lu 1 , ·Xia-Lin Zheng 1

Burnet moths, also known as the family Zygaenidae, are a typical diurnal family of Lepidoptera. Some species are important insect pests in agriculture and forestry. The use of sex attractants is one of the most important measures in the integrated pest management of burnet moths because these attractants are highly efficient, do not cause pollution, and are convenient and harmless to natural enemies. The earliest information about sex pheromones in Zygaenidae was reported in 1972. To date, many studies have described sex pheromones and attractants of species in Zygaenidae. Here, we review a total of 22 sex attractant compositions identified for 57 species of Zygaenidae and compare the differences in the structures of sex attractants among these species. The application of sex attractants in seasonal monitoring showed that the main activity period of zygaenid moths is from May to September each year. However, there are few reports on the effects of sex attractants on mass trapping of members of the family Zygaenidae. The ratio and degradation of sex attractants and the trap color, shape and hanging height were considered the main factors influencing capture effectiveness. Directions for further study of burnet moths are also discussed.



Burnet蛾,也被称为Zygaenidae科,是典型的鳞翅目昼行性家族。有些种类是农业和林业的重要害虫。使用性引诱剂是地榆害虫综合治理的重要措施之一,因为这些引诱剂效率高,不造成污染,对天敌方便,无害。Zygaenidae 性信息素的最早信息是在 1972 年报道的。迄今为止,许多研究已经描述了 Zygaenidae 物种的性信息素和引诱剂。在这里,我们回顾了为 57 种 Zygaenidae 鉴定的总共 22 种性引诱剂成分,并比较了这些物种之间性引诱剂结构的差异。性诱剂在季节性监测中的应用表明,合子蛾的主要活动期为每年的5-9月。然而,很少有关于性引诱剂对 Zygaenidae 家族成员大规模诱捕的影响的报道。性引诱剂的比例和降解以及诱捕器的颜色、形状和悬挂高度被认为是影响捕获效果的主要因素。还讨论了进一步研究地榆的方向。
