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Permafrost and Periglacial Processes ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-04 , DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2125

The referenced article, Guglielmin M, et al.1 was published in volume 32, issue 2 without its acknowledgement. It should have read: -

This paper started as a suggestion by Professor Hugh M. French during one of his field trips before his sad loss. He recommended one of the authors (Guglielmin, M.) to write a note on the development of periglacial thermokarst depressions without lakes in an alpine and anthropogenic environment such as the study area (Stelvio Pass, Italian Central Alps) because of their unicity. We want to thank the Stelvio National Park and Umberto Capitani for their support for this research, but above all we want to remember the enthusiasm that Hugh M. French conveyed to one of us (Guglielmin, M.) during one of his last scientific trips to this study area in October 2018, about the development of thermokarst in this alpine environment.



参考文章 Guglielmin M等人1已在第 32 卷第 2 期中出版,但未经其确认。它应该是: -

这篇论文最初是 Hugh M. French 教授在他不幸去世前的一次实地考察中提出的建议。他推荐其中一位作者 (Guglielmin, M.) 写一篇关于没有湖泊的冰缘热岩溶洼地在高山和人为环境中的发展的笔记,例如研究地区(Stelvio Pass,意大利中部阿尔卑斯山),因为它们的唯一性。我们要感谢 Stelvio 国家公园和 Umberto Capitani 对这项研究的支持,但最重要的是我们要记住 Hugh M. French 在他最后一次科学旅行中向我们中的一个人(Guglielmin, M.)传达的热情2018 年 10 月来到本研究区,介绍了高寒环境中热岩溶的发展情况。
