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Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic
Conservation Letters ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.1111/conl.12824
Tammy E. Davies 1 , Ana P.B. Carneiro 1 , Marguerite Tarzia 1 , Ewan Wakefield 2 , Janos C. Hennicke 3 , Morten Frederiksen 4 , Erpur Snær Hansen 5 , Bruna Campos 6, 7 , Carolina Hazin 1 , Ben Lascelles 1 , Tycho Anker‐Nilssen 8 , Hólmfríður Arnardóttir 9 , Robert T. Barrett 10 , Manuel Biscoito 11 , Loïc Bollache 12, 13 , Thierry Boulinier 14 , Paulo Catry 15 , Filipe R. Ceia 16 , Olivier Chastel 17 , Signe Christensen‐Dalsgaard 8 , Marta Cruz‐Flores 18 , Jóhannis Danielsen 19 , Francis Daunt 20 , Euan Dunn 21 , Carsten Egevang 22 , Ana Isabel Fagundes 23 , Annette L. Fayet 24 , Jérôme Fort 25 , Robert W. Furness 2 , Olivier Gilg 12, 13 , Jacob González‐Solís 18 , José Pedro Granadeiro 26 , David Grémillet 17, 27 , Tim Guilford 24 , Sveinn Are Hanssen 8 , Michael P. Harris 20 , April Hedd 28 , Nicholas Per Huffeldt 4, 22 , Mark Jessopp 29 , Yann Kolbeinsson 30 , Johannes Krietsch 31, 32 , Johannes Lang 13, 33 , Jannie Fries Linnebjerg 4 , Svein‐Håkon Lorentsen 8 , Jeremy Madeiros 34 , Ellen Magnusdottir 35 , Mark L. Mallory 36 , Laura McFarlane Tranquilla 37 , Flemming R. Merkel 4, 22 , Teresa Militão 18 , Børge Moe 8 , William A. Montevecchi 38 , Virginia Morera‐Pujol 18 , Anders Mosbech 4 , Verónica Neves 39 , Mark A. Newell 20 , Bergur Olsen 19 , Vitor H. Paiva 16 , Hans‐Ulrich Peter 31 , Aevar Petersen 40 , Richard A. Phillips 41 , Iván Ramírez 1 , Jaime A. Ramos 16 , Raül Ramos 18 , Robert A. Ronconi 42 , Peter G. Ryan 27 , Niels Martin Schmidt 4 , Ingvar A. Sigurðsson 43 , Benoît Sittler 13, 44 , Harald Steen 45 , Iain J. Stenhouse 46 , Hallvard Strøm 45 , Geir H. R. Systad 8 , Paul Thompson 47 , Thorkell L. Thórarinsson 30, 43 , Rob S.A. Bemmelen 48 , Sarah Wanless 20 , Francis Zino 49 , Maria P. Dias 1, 15

The conservation of migratory marine species, including pelagic seabirds, is challenging because their movements span vast distances frequently beyond national jurisdictions. Here, we aim to identify important aggregations of seabirds in the North Atlantic to inform ongoing regional conservation efforts. Using tracking, phenology, and population data, we mapped the abundance and diversity of 21 seabird species. This revealed a major hotspot associated with a discrete area of the subpolar frontal zone, used annually by 2.9–5 million seabirds from ≥56 colonies in the Atlantic: the first time this magnitude of seabird concentrations has been documented in the high seas. The hotspot is temporally stable and amenable to site-based conservation and is under consideration as a marine protected area by the OSPAR Commission. Protection could help mitigate current and future threats facing species in the area. Overall, our approach provides an exemplar data-driven pathway for future conservation efforts on the high seas.



包括远洋海鸟在内的迁徙海洋物种的保护具有挑战性,因为它们的迁徙距离经常超出国家管辖范围。在这里,我们的目标是确定北大西洋海鸟的重要聚集地,为正在进行的区域保护工作提供信息。使用跟踪、物候学和种群数据,我们绘制了 21 种海鸟物种的丰度和多样性。这揭示了一个与副极地锋区离散区域相关的主要热点,每年有来自大西洋 ≥ 56 个殖民地的 29-50 万只海鸟使用:这是第一次在公海记录到如此大规模的海鸟聚集。该热点在时间上是稳定的,适合进行基于现场的保护,并被 OSPAR 委员会考虑为海洋保护区。保护可以帮助减轻该地区物种当前和未来面临的威胁。总的来说,我们的方法为未来公海保护工作提供了一个典型的数据驱动途径。