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Phenotypic Traits, Grain Yield and Yield Components of Maize Cultivars Under Combinations of Management Practices in Semi-arid Conditions of Iran
International Journal of Plant Production ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s42106-021-00151-7
Maryam Rahimi Jahangirlou 1, 2 , Gholam Abbas Akbari 1 , Iraj Alahdadi 1 , Saeid Soufizadeh 3 , Uttam Kumar 2 , David Parsons 2

In semi-arid regions, selecting cultivars and planning management practices are critical issues for improving yields and reducing risks of maize cultivation in the short summer cropping season. This study aimed to assess the responses of grain yield (GY) and important phenotypic characteristics of maize cultivars from different maturity groups under various irrigation regimes, planting dates, and nitrogen rates, in a 2-year experiment. According to the clusters identified in the loading plot, stover yield, radiation use efficiency (RUE), height, leaf greenness index, stem weight, and ear size during flowering (VT/R1) were strongly correlated with GY, yield components and harvest index. Based on analysis of variance, more irrigation or N, or their interaction often increased GY, rows ear−1, grains row−1 and hundred-grain weight. Late planting decreased GY of KSC704 (late maturity cultivar). KSC260 (early maturity cultivar) had greater flexibility in planting time, required less days for maturity, and had less water consumption. The findings highlight the physiological basis of the relationship between the different phenotypic characteristics and how they affect GY and its components. They were in line with the established theories that higher RUE, biomass and sink activity (e.g. grain weight and numbers, and larger ear size) are associated with better genetic gains to produce high GY. Although the results were not consistent between years, findings suggested the good performance of recently released early maturity cultivars for use during the summer growing season.



在半干旱地区,选择品种和规划管理实践是提高产量和降低夏季短季玉米种植风险的关键问题。本研究旨在通过为期 2 年的试验,评估不同成熟组的玉米品种在不同灌溉制度、种植日期和施氮量下的谷物产量 (GY) 和重要表型特征的响应。根据加载图中确定的聚类,秸秆产量、辐射利用效率 (RUE)、高度、叶绿度指数、茎重和开花期穗大小 (VT/R1) 与 GY、产量成分和收获指数密切相关. 基于方差分析,更多的灌溉或 N,或它们的相互作用经常增加 GY,行穗-1,谷物行−1和百粒重。晚栽降低了 KSC704(晚熟品种)的 GY。KSC260(早熟品种)在种植时间上具有更大的灵活性,成熟所需的天数更少,耗水量更少。研究结果强调了不同表型特征之间关系的生理基础以及它们如何影响 GY 及其成分。它们与已建立的理论一致,即较高的 RUE、生物量和汇活性(例如,粒重和数量,以及较大的穗尺寸)与产生高 GY 的更好遗传收益相关。虽然结果在年份之间并不一致,但研究结果表明,最近发布的早熟品种在夏季生长季节使用的性能良好。
