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In Case the Sun Disappears
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03
Julia Schneider

  • In Case the Sun Disappears
  • Julia Schneider (bio)

Somewhere outside of Baton Rouge, my cousin is FaceTiming her children goodbye before intubation "just in case." They press a watercolor sun to the screen to give her good dreams while she sleeps. I think how recklessly hopeful, how gloriously human a thing it is to close one's eyes and trust the sun to rise. [End Page 338]

Julia Schneider

Julia Schneider holds a Master's in Literature from University of Texas at Austin and a professional certification in Narrative Medicine from Columbia University. She is the owner/director of NarrativeRx, an online learning community where she teaches deep listening and self-care through literature, philosophy, and the arts.

Copyright © 2021 Johns Hopkins University Press ...



  • 万一太阳消失
  • 朱莉娅施奈德(生物)

在巴吞鲁日郊外的某个地方,我的表弟在插管前用 FaceTiming 与她的孩子们告别,“以防万一”。他们将水彩太阳压在屏幕上,让她在睡觉时做个好梦。我认为闭上眼睛相信太阳会升起是多么鲁莽的希望,多么光荣的人性。[第338页结束]


Julia Schneider 拥有德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的文学硕士学位和哥伦比亚大学的叙事医学专业认证。她是 NarrativeRx 的所有者/主管,这是一个在线学习社区,她通过文学、哲学和艺术教授深度倾听和自我保健。

版权所有 © 2021 约翰霍普金斯大学出版社 ...
