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In Plain Sight/Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict ed. by Gaby Zipfel, Regina Muhlhauser, Kirsten Campbell (review)
Human Rights Quarterly ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03
Mindy Roseman

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • In Plain Sight/Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict ed. by Gaby Zipfel, Regina Muhlhauser, Kirsten Campbell
  • Mindy Roseman (bio)
In Plain Sight: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (Gaby Zipfel, Regina Muhlhauser, Kirsten Campbell eds., Zubaan Academic, New Delhi India, 2019), ISBN 9789385932922, 524 pages.

Can more be learned about sexual violence in armed conflict? As a subject of academic study and human rights advocacy, sexual violence, especially rape in war, began to receive attention in the 1990s and has remained a significant area of concern. Nearly thirty years later, what do we know? What don't we know and why? What should we know and what needs to be done to fill the gaps? These are not idle research questions: they are deeply engaged with the feminist project of ending violence, transforming gender relations, and establishing substantive equality. Answers, not to put too fine a point on it, are urgently needed.

In Plain Sight: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict, edited by Gaby Zipfel, Regina Muhlhauser, Kirsten Campbell and published in 2019, does not pretend to provide those definitive answers. Rather, the book presents a kaleidoscope of conceptual and methodological approaches; its interventions are gathered around the topic of sexual violence in conflict as it erupted during various points in time and location and as represented in culture or experienced in the flesh.1

Put in another way, the book reflects its origins very much. It is the outcome of a 2015 conference held in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of Susan Brownmiller's foundational feminist oeuvre: Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape, and organized by the International Research Group "Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict" (www.warandgender.net). The conference, judging from its agenda, was a vibrant event as participants engaged with Brownmiller and her ideas as well as the subsequent decades of developments and writings.

The resulting volume reflects the wide range of and approaches to the topic of sexual violence in conflict. Its contributors are academics and advocates from various disciplines—anthropology, English, film criticism, Germanic studies, gender studies, history, law, political science, philosophy, sociology—who all study and write on sexual violence during armed conflict. The volume consists of twenty-eight chapters (or interventions) grouped into four parts, kicked off with an introduction and an edited roundtable problematizing the generation of knowledge about sexual violence in armed conflict.

The volume does not appear to advance a particular theory or conceptualization of sexual violence in conflict, but the chapters do engage with the field's most important questions, such as the role of violence in the construction of masculinity or in the production of the military, which Aaron Belkin, Yuki Tanaka, Renee Heberle, and others examine in their chapters. The unique nature of sexual violence in conflict (e.g. weapon of war) and state responsibility is raised in many chapters, notably those of Patricia Viseur Sellers, Rashida Manjoo, and Ruth Seifert; still others insist on the continuity of sexual violence in peace or in war and [End Page 614] note the trouble with that distinction altogether.2 Another overarching yet adjacent question relates to gender—its function in the deployment of sexual violence against women (as women) and also against men during conflict. Kirsten Campell's chapter, The Gender of Justice, provides a particularly insightful overview which argues for a synthetic resolution of understanding the gendered harms of violence as well as the potential for a justice that might be gender transformative.

Many chapters tell singular stories: historical ones such as Atina Grossman's regarding the experiences of women living in Berlin under Soviet Red Army occupation, Hyunah Yang's and Debra Bergoffen's accounts of sexual violence perpetrated by Japanese military during WWII, or Ngwarsungu Chiwengo's much needed analysis of rape during the more recent conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Other chapters, such as that of Pascale R. Bos, consider the representation of sexual violence in conflict in literature. Other contributors engage with each other in colloquy (Atreyee Sen and Gorana Mlinarevic discussing nationalism and patriarchy). And there are still other chapters that explore and interrogate additional facets of sexual violence in conflict: for example Gaby Zipfel's musings on the sexual...


武装冲突中的显而易见/性暴力编辑。作者:Gaby Zipfel、Regina Muhlhauser、Kirsten Campbell(评论)



  • 武装冲突中的显而易见/性暴力编辑。作者:Gaby Zipfel、Regina Muhlhauser、Kirsten Campbell
  • 明迪罗斯曼(生物)
显而易见:武装冲突中的性暴力(Gaby Zipfel、Regina Muhlhauser、Kirsten Campbell 编辑,Zubaan Academic,印度新德里,2019 年),ISBN 9789385932922,524 页。

能否更多地了解武装冲突中的性暴力?作为学术研究和人权倡导的主题,性暴力,特别是战争中的强奸,在 1990 年代开始受到关注,并且仍然是一个重要的关注领域。将近三十年后,我们知道什么?我们不知道什么,为什么?我们应该知道什么以及需要做什么来填补空白?这些不是闲置的研究问题:他们深入参与了终止暴力、改变性别关系和建立实质性平等的女权主义项目。迫切需要答案,不要把它说得太细。

显而易见:武装冲突中的性暴力,由 Gaby Zipfel、Regina Muhlhauser、Kirsten Campbell 编辑并于 2019 年出版,并未假装提供这些明确的答案。相反,这本书展示了概念和方法论方法的万花筒;其干预措施围绕冲突中的性暴力这一主题展开,因为它在不同时间和地点爆发,并体现在文化中或在肉体中经历过。1

换句话说,这本书很好地反映了它的起源。这是 2015 年为纪念苏珊·布朗米勒基础女权主义作品四十周年而举行的会议的成果:违背我们的意愿:男人、女人和强奸,由国际研究小组“武装冲突中的性暴力”(www. warandgender.net)。从议程来看,这次会议是一次充满活力的活动,参与者与布朗米勒和她的想法以及随后几十年的发展和着作进行了交流。


该卷似乎没有提出冲突中性暴力的特定理论或概念,但各章确实涉及该领域最重要的问题,例如暴力在男子气概的构建或军队生产中的作用, Aaron Belkin、Yuki Tanaka、Renee Heberle 和其他人在他们的章节中进行了检查。许多章节都提到了冲突中性暴力(例如战争武器)和国家责任的独特性质,特别是 Patricia Viseur Sellers、Rashida Manjoo 和 Ruth Seifert 的章节;还有一些人坚持性暴力在和平或战争中的连续性,并且[End Page 614]完全注意到这种区别的麻烦。2另一个首要但相邻的问题与性别有关——它在对女性(作为女性)和冲突期间对男性实施性暴力方面的作用。克尔斯滕·坎贝尔 (Kirsten Campell) 的章节“正义的性别”提供了一个特别有见地的概述,它主张综合解决理解暴力的性别危害以及可能具有性别变革性的正义的潜力。

许多章节讲述了独特的故事:诸如 Atina Grossman 关于在苏联红军占领下生活在柏林的妇女的经历的历史故事,Hyunah Yang 和 Debra Bergoffen 对二战期间日本军队实施的性暴力的描述,或者 Ngwarsungu Chiwengo 对强奸的急需分析在最近的刚果民主共和国冲突期间。其他章节,例如 Pascale R. Bos 的章节,考虑了文学冲突中性暴力的表现。其他贡献者在对话中相互交流(Atreyee Sen 和 Gorana Mlinarevic 讨论民族主义和父权制)。还有其他章节探索和审问冲突中性暴力的其他方面:例如 Gaby Zipfel 对性的思考……
