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Are We All Equally Persuaded by Procedural Justice?
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40865-021-00170-y
Jose Pina-Sánchez 1 , Ian Brunton-Smith 2

A growing number of empirical studies has sought to explore differences in the effectiveness of the procedural justice model across people. Much of this new evidence points at the procedural justice association with both legitimacy and compliance being largely invariant. Here we expand the analysis of this procedural justice ‘invariance thesis’ by introducing a novel life-course perspective to the debate. Specifically, we focus on the variability of the procedural justice effect within individuals across time. To do so, we use mixed effects structural equation models and longitudinal data from a sample of 1,354 young offenders in the US reporting perceptions of the police, and a sample of 511 subjects of the Australian general population reporting on the tax authority. We find the procedural justice within-person association with legitimacy to be highly variant across individuals, which can be negative for more than 10% of subjects in the two samples used, while for at least another 11% of participants the relationship is twice as strong as the average or stronger. We also find variability in the within-person association with compliance; however, this is only the case for a specific measure of procedural justice in the sample of young offenders. These results question the ‘invariance thesis’. Compliance, and especially perceptions of institutional legitimacy, cannot be expected to change uniformly across all subgroups of the population in line with their perceptions of the procedural just actions of those institutions.



越来越多的实证研究试图探索程序正义模型在不同人群中有效性的差异。大部分新证据都指向程序正义关联,其合法性和合规性在很大程度上是不变的。在这里,我们通过在辩论中引入新的生命历程视角来扩展对程序正义“不变性论点”的分析。具体而言,我们关注个人内部程序正义效应随时间的变化。为此,我们使用了混合效应结构方程模型和纵向数据,这些数据来自美国 1,354 名报告警察看法的年轻罪犯样本,以及向税务机关报告的澳大利亚一般人群的 511 名样本。我们发现个人内部的程序正义与合法性的关联在个体之间存在很大差异,在所使用的两个样本中,超过 10% 的受试者可能是负面的,而至少另外 11% 的参与者的关系是两倍强作为平均水平或更强。我们还发现与合规性的个人内部关联的可变性;然而,这只是针对年轻罪犯样本中特定的程序正义措施的情况。这些结果对“不变性论点”提出了质疑。合规性,尤其是对制度合法性的看法,不能期望在人口的所有子群体中都随着他们对这些制度的程序性公正行动的看法而一致地改变。在所使用的两个样本中,超过 10% 的受试者可能是负面的,而对于至少另外 11% 的参与者来说,这种关系是平均水平的两倍或更强。我们还发现与合规性的个人内部关联的可变性;然而,这只是针对年轻罪犯样本中特定的程序正义措施的情况。这些结果对“不变性论点”提出了质疑。合规性,尤其是对制度合法性的看法,不能期望在人口的所有子群体中都随着他们对这些制度的程序性公正行动的看法而一致地改变。在所使用的两个样本中,超过 10% 的受试者可能是负面的,而对于至少另外 11% 的参与者来说,这种关系是平均水平的两倍或更强。我们还发现与合规性的个人内部关联的可变性;然而,这只是针对年轻罪犯样本中特定的程序正义措施的情况。这些结果对“不变性论点”提出了质疑。合规性,尤其是对制度合法性的看法,不能期望在人口的所有子群体中都随着他们对这些制度的程序性公正行动的看法而一致地改变。然而,这只是针对年轻罪犯样本中特定的程序正义措施的情况。这些结果对“不变性论点”提出了质疑。合规性,尤其是对制度合法性的看法,不能期望在人口的所有子群体中都随着他们对这些制度的程序性公正行动的看法而一致地改变。然而,这只是针对年轻罪犯样本中特定的程序正义措施的情况。这些结果对“不变性论点”提出了质疑。合规性,尤其是对制度合法性的看法,不能期望在人口的所有子群体中都随着他们对这些制度的程序性公正行动的看法而一致地改变。
