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Fast and Slow Thinking to Address Persistent and Complex Problems in Teaching and Learning
Journal of Teacher Education ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03 , DOI: 10.1177/00224871211030367
Gail Richmond 1 , Christine Cho 2 , H. Alix Gallagher 3 , Ye He 4 , Tonya Bartell 1

One of the things that has become clear to many scholars, including the authors of this editorial, is that there are many issues raised during the pandemic that did not have their origins in the pandemic itself, but which have persisted for many decades, have complex origins, and which exist within systems governed by diverse values and populated by diverse stakeholders (see, for example, Richmond, Cho, et al., 2020). This is especially true for issues that directly affect the ability of young people to receive the kind of high-quality education they deserve. Because the pandemic has touched the lives of so many individuals and groups, including those who have more economic, social, and political privilege, some issues are positioned by those with privilege as needing to be addressed, and quickly. No better example of such an issue is that of “learning loss,” which has inundated public media and has captured the attention of education professionals and nonprofessionals alike. One of the problems with the conception of learning reflected in this language is that it ignores what students learned from their personal and academic experiences during the pandemic. While some students made less academic progress than they might have otherwise, all students experienced a sudden break from normative schooling and forced social isolation. Given the interconnectedness between socioemotional and academic learning, merely providing instruction on academic content that students missed is unlikely to meet their needs (Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, 2019). The best path forward will need to take into account the interconnectedness of social, emotional, and academic development (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020).



许多学者,包括这篇社论的作者,已经清楚的一件事是,在大流行期间提出的许多问题并非源于大流行本身,而是持续了数十年,具有复杂性。起源,并且存在于由不同价值观管理并由不同利益相关者组成的系统中(例如,参见 Richmond、Cho 等人,2020 年)。对于直接影响年轻人接受他们应得的那种高质量教育的能力的问题尤其如此。由于大流行已经触及了如此多的个人和群体的生活,包括那些拥有更多经济、社会和政治特权的人,因此拥有特权的人将一些问题定位为需要迅速解决。没有更好的例子是“学习损失”,它已经淹没了公共媒体,并引起了教育专业人士和非专业人士的注意。这种语言所反映的学习概念的问题之一是,它忽略了学生在大流行期间从个人和学术经历中学到的东西。虽然有些学生的学业进步不如其他学生,但所有学生都经历了从规范学校教育中突然中断和被迫社会孤立的经历。鉴于社会情感学习和学术学习之间的相互联系,仅提供有关学生遗漏的学术内容的指导不太可能满足他们的需求(阿斯彭研究所国家社会、情感和学术发展委员会,2019 年)。