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Rethinking free skilled labour migration policies in CLMV countries: a qualitative systematic review
Asian Education and Development Studies ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1108/aeds-07-2020-0161
Hanvedes Daovisan 1 , Pimporn Phukrongpet 2 , Thanapauge Chamaratana 3


There is an ongoing debate in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2015 concerning the skilled labour migration policy regimes. This review aims to systematise the free flow of skilled labour migration policies in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV) countries.


This review utilised a qualitative systematic in peer-reviewed journals for the period 2015–2019. The initial search identified 28,874 articles. Of those articles, 10,612 articles were screened, 738 articles were checked, 150 articles were selected and 18 articles met the criteria. Data were analysed using thematic synthesis (e.g. coding, categorisation, synthesis and summarisation).


The review suggested that free movement from CLMV countries is the cause of the mass exodus of unskilled migration to high-income countries. The review found that the free flow of migration policy in the AEC Blueprint 2015 is associated with illegal, unauthorised and unskilled workers in the host country.

Research limitations/implications

A systematic review is qualitative in nature, in which the relevant existing literature lacks some empirical studies, and the results must be generalisable.

Practical implications

The current systematic review provides a visual diagram for practical implications to isolate undocumented, illegal, unpermitted and unskilled migrant workers and further reduce the mass exodus of migration from CLMV countries.


To the authors' knowledge, this is the first review to extend the literature to the macro-level determinants of free flow of skilled labour migration policies in CLMV countries. The present review seeks to inform the policy responses of moving freely between sending and receiving countries.


重新思考 CLMV 国家的免费技术劳工移民政策:定性系统评价


在 2015 年东盟经济共同体 (AEC) 蓝图中,关于技术劳工移民政策制度的争论仍在继续。本综述旨在系统化柬埔寨、老挝人民民主共和国、缅甸和越南(CLMV)国家熟练劳动力自由流动的政策。


该审查在 2015-2019 年期间在同行评审期刊中使用了定性系统。最初的搜索确定了 28,874 篇文章。其中,筛选10612篇,检查738篇,入选150篇,符合条件的18篇。使用主题综合分析数据(例如编码、分类、综合和总结)。


审查表明,来自 CLMV 国家的自由流动是大量非技术移民流向高收入国家的原因。审查发现,AEC 蓝图 2015 中的自由流动移民政策与东道国的非法、未经授权和非技术工人有关。




当前的系统评价为隔离无证、非法、未经许可和无技能的移民工人并进一步减少从 CLMV 国家的大规模移民外流提供了实际意义的可视化图表。


据作者所知,这是第一次将文献扩展到 CLMV 国家熟练劳动力自由流动政策的宏观决定因素。本审查旨在为在输出国和接收国之间自由流动的政策反应提供信息。
