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Spinal interneurons of the lower urinary tract circuits
Autonomic Neuroscience ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autneu.2021.102861
Sergei Karnup 1

The storage and elimination of urine requires coordinated activity between muscles of the bladder and the urethra. This coordination is orchestrated by a complex system containing spinal, midbrain and forebrain networks. Normally there is a reciprocity between patterns of activity in urinary bladder sacral parasympathetic efferents and somatic motoneurons innervating the striatal external urethral sphincter muscle. At the spinal level this reciprocity is mediated by ensembles of excitatory and inhibitory interneurons located in the lumbar-sacral segments. In this review I will present an overview of currently identified spinal interneurons and circuits relevant to the lower urinary tract and will discuss their established or hypothetical roles in the cycle of micturition. In addition, a recently discovered auxiliary spinal neuronal ensemble named lumbar spinal coordinating center will be described. Sexual dimorphism and developmental features of the lower urinary tract which may play a significant role in designing treatments for patients with urine storage and voiding dysfunctions are also considered. Spinal cord injuries seriously damage or even eliminate the ability to urinate. Treatment of this abnormality requires detailed knowledge of supporting neural mechanisms, therefore various experiments in normal and spinalized animals will be discussed. Finally, a possible intraspinal mechanism will be proposed for organization of external urethral sphincter (EUS) bursting which represents a form of intermittent EUS relaxation in rats and mice.



尿液的储存和消除需要膀胱和尿道肌肉之间的协调活动。这种协调是由一个包含脊髓、中脑和前脑网络的复杂系统协调的。通常,膀胱骶部副交感神经传出神经和支配纹状体尿道外括约肌的躯体运动神经元的活动模式之间存在交互性。在脊柱水平,这种互惠是由位于腰骶段的兴奋性和抑制性中间神经元的集合介导的。在这篇综述中,我将概述目前确定的与下尿路相关的脊髓中间神经元和回路,并将讨论它们在排尿周期中的既定或假设作用。此外,将描述一个最近发现的称为腰椎协调中心的辅助脊髓神经元集合。还考虑了下尿路的性别二态性和发育特征,这可能在设计治疗尿液储存和排尿功能障碍患者的治疗中发挥重要作用。脊髓损伤会严重损害甚至消除排尿能力。治疗这种异常需要详细了解支持神经机制,因此将讨论在正常和脊髓化动物中进行的各种实验。最后,将提出一种可能的椎管内机制来组织外尿道括约肌 (EUS) 爆裂,这代表了大鼠和小鼠中间歇性 EUS 松弛的一种形式。还考虑了下尿路的性别二态性和发育特征,这可能在设计治疗尿液储存和排尿功能障碍患者的治疗中发挥重要作用。脊髓损伤会严重损害甚至消除排尿能力。治疗这种异常需要详细了解支持神经机制,因此将讨论在正常和脊髓化动物中进行的各种实验。最后,将提出一种可能的椎管内机制来组织外尿道括约肌 (EUS) 爆裂,这代表了大鼠和小鼠中间歇性 EUS 松弛的一种形式。还考虑了下尿路的性别二态性和发育特征,这可能在设计治疗尿液储存和排尿功能障碍患者的治疗中发挥重要作用。脊髓损伤会严重损害甚至消除排尿能力。治疗这种异常需要详细了解支持神经机制,因此将讨论在正常和脊髓化动物中进行的各种实验。最后,将提出一种可能的椎管内机制来组织外尿道括约肌 (EUS) 爆裂,这代表了大鼠和小鼠中间歇性 EUS 松弛的一种形式。脊髓损伤会严重损害甚至消除排尿能力。治疗这种异常需要详细了解支持神经机制,因此将讨论在正常和脊髓化动物中进行的各种实验。最后,将提出一种可能的椎管内机制来组织外尿道括约肌 (EUS) 爆裂,这代表了大鼠和小鼠中间歇性 EUS 松弛的一种形式。脊髓损伤会严重损害甚至消除排尿能力。治疗这种异常需要详细了解支持神经机制,因此将讨论在正常和脊髓化动物中进行的各种实验。最后,将提出一种可能的椎管内机制来组织外尿道括约肌 (EUS) 爆裂,这代表了大鼠和小鼠中间歇性 EUS 松弛的一种形式。
