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Preanaesthetic blood tests in cats and dogs older than 8 years: anaesthetists’ prediction and peri-anaesthetic changes
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vaa.2021.04.010
María Del Mar Díaz 1 , Johanna Kaartinen 2 , Asher Allison 3


To evaluate the anaesthetist’s ability to predict abnormalities in preanaesthetic blood test results obtained from cats and dogs older than 8 years and to describe the impact of these preanaesthetic blood test results on the American Society Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification, anaesthetic protocol and procedures.

Study design

Observational, prospective, clinical multi-centre study.


A total of 333 cats and dogs.


After a clinical examination and review of the animal´s clinical history the anaesthetist completed the first part of a set of questions including ASA status and anticipated abnormalities in blood tests. After this, blood results were presented, and the anaesthetist completed the second part of the set of questions, including changes in ASA status or anaesthetic protocol, and procedure delay or cancellation. Preanaesthetic blood tests included: haematocrit, total proteins, electrolytes, glucose, lactate, urea and creatinine. Examiners were classified as senior clinicians, clinicians, anaesthesia residents or nurses, and interns. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test was used. A p value < 0.05 was considered significant.


The ASA status increased in three dogs and one cat (1.2%); in two of them abnormalities were not expected by the examiner. The anaesthetic protocol changed in seven animals (2.1%); the most common change related to fluid therapy. Anaesthesia was delayed in two dogs (0.6%) to administer intravenous fluid therapy. No cases were cancelled. Abnormalities were more commonly found [37 out of 58 assessments (approximately 64%)] when the anaesthetist predicted them compared to when they were unexpected [49 of 275 assessments (approximately 18%); p < 0.001].

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Routine non-targeted blood tests in cats and dogs older than 8 years led to few changes in the anaesthetic management, and anaesthetists correctly predicted blood test results in most cases.


8 岁以上猫和狗的麻醉前血液检查:麻醉师的预测和麻醉周围的变化


评估麻醉师预测 8 岁以上猫和狗的麻醉前血液检测结果异常的能力,并描述这些麻醉前血液检测结果对美国麻醉师协会 (ASA) 身体状况分类、麻醉方案和程序的影响。






在对动物的临床病史进行临床检查和审查后,麻醉师完成了一组问题的第一部分,包括 ASA 状态和血液测试的预期异常。在此之后,提交了血液结果,麻醉师完成了这组问题的第二部分,包括 ASA 状态或麻醉方案的变化,以及手术延迟或取消。麻醉前血液检查包括:血细胞比容、总蛋白、电解质、葡萄糖、乳酸、尿素和肌酐。审查员分为高级临床医生、临床医生、麻醉住院医师或护士以及实习生。对于统计分析,使用卡方检验。甲p值<0.05被认为显著。


三只狗和一只猫的 ASA 状态增加(1.2%);其中有两个异常是考官没有预料到的。七只动物的麻醉方案发生了变化(2.1%);最常见的变化与液体疗法有关。两只狗 (0.6%) 的麻醉被延迟以进行静脉输液治疗。没有案件被取消。当麻醉师预测异常时,异常更常见 [58 次评估中的 37 次(约 64%)] 与意外时相比 [275 次评估中的 49 次(约 18%);p < 0.001]。


对 8 岁以上的猫和狗进行常规非靶向血液检测几乎不会导致麻醉管理发生变化,并且在大多数情况下,麻醉师正确预测了血液检测结果。
