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Digital welfare fraud detection and the Dutch SyRI judgment
European Journal of Social Security ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.1177/13882627211031257
Marvin van Bekkum 1 , Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius 1

In 2020, a Dutch court passed judgment in a case about a digital welfare fraud detection system called Systeem Risico Indicatie (SyRI). The court ruled that the SyRI legislation is unlawful because it does not comply with the right to privacy under the European Convention of Human Rights. In this article we analyse the judgment and its implications. This ruling is one of first in which a court has invalidated a welfare fraud detection system for breaching the right to privacy. We show that the immediate effects of the judgment are limited. The judgment does not say much about automated fraud detection systems in general, because it is limited to the circumstances of the case. Still, the judgment is important. The judgment reminds policymakers that fraud detection must happen in a way that respects data protection principles and the right to privacy. The judgment also confirms the importance of transparency if personal data are used.


数字福利欺诈检测和荷兰 SyRI 判断

2020 年,荷兰法院对名为Systeem Risico Indicatie的数字福利欺诈检测系统案件作出判决。(SyRI)。法院裁定 SyRI 立法是非法的,因为它不符合《欧洲人权公约》规定的隐私权。在本文中,我们将分析该判断及其含义。该裁决是法院以侵犯隐私权为由宣布福利欺诈检测系统无效的第一个裁决。我们表明判决的直接影响是有限的。该判决一般对自动欺诈检测系统没有太多说明,因为它仅限于案件的情况。尽管如此,判断还是很重要的。该判决提醒政策制定者,欺诈检测必须以尊重数据保护原则和隐私权的方式进行。如果使用个人数据,该判决还确认了透明度的重要性。
