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Result of Impact of Dominants on Species Richness of Plant Communities: Ordered or Random Species Loss?
Russian Journal of Ecology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.1134/s1067413621040032
V. V. Akatov 1 , S. G. Chefranov 1 , T. V. Akatova 2 , T. G. Eskina 2 , D. F. Afanasyev 3 , E. G. Sushkova 3


The question of the nature (random or ordered) of the loss of species in plant communities as a result of an increase in the participation of dominants is considered. The objects of study were 15 sites of communities of different types: riverbanks, forest meadows, steppes, subalpine and alpine meadows of the Western Caucasus, macrophytobenthos of the Sea of ​​Azov. Two approaches were used: in the 1st one, the data on biomass samples taken from micro-sites of communities with differing participation of dominant species were compared with series of model cenoses with a random distribution of species; in the 2nd, groups of samples were compared with differing participation of the dominant, but with equal total biomass of accompanying species due to the different numbers of samples in groups. As a result, a well-pronounced effect of ordered disappearance of species was revealed only in three areas (dominated by Rubus caesius, Glycyrrhiza glabra, and Solidago сanadensis). In other cases, the distribution of species over micro-sites with differing participation of the dominant was random. This means that the increase in the participation of dominants leads mainly to an indiscriminate displacement of other species.




考虑了由于优势物种的参与增加而导致植物群落物种丧失的性质(随机或有序)问题。研究对象是不同类型群落的 15 个地点:河岸、森林草甸、草原、西高加索的亚高山和高山草甸、亚速海的大型底栖动物。使用了两种方法:在第一种方法中,将取自优势物种不同参与的群落微站点的生物量样本数据与具有物种随机分布的一系列模型调查进行比较;2、各组样品比较,优势种参与程度不同,但由于组内样品数量不同,伴生种的总生物量相等。因此,Rubus caesiusGlycyrrhiza glabraSolidago canadensis )。在其他情况下,物种在具有不同优势参与的微型站点上的分布是随机的。这意味着优势物种参与度的增加主要导致其他物种的无差别迁移。
