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Change in Water Isotope Composition as a Tool for Influencing Human Psychoemotional State
Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.3103/s1063455x21030073
V. V. Goncharuk 1 , L. O. Solianyk 1 , D. K. Goncharuk 1


Today, the critical mass of knowledge about water and the prospects for its transformation because of human activity have become so significant that they undoubtedly require new generalizations and comprehension. Analysis of water problems leads to the idea that the substance of water is programmed for life, its development, correction, and protection. The realization of this potential of water is provided by the energy and information capacity of its molecules and intermolecular compounds. Water is a special substance that is extremely necessary for a living world. Each of the “anomalies”, oddities of water in the “water–life” link easily fits into a certain program of creation, preservation, maintenance, and evolution of life. Life in the forms we know could not have appeared outside of water in its liquid state, outside of water “anomalies”. Consequently, the water shell on our planet should proceed the emergence of life (A. Henderson arguably defended this idea at the beginning of the last century). Only then, having passed a period of water development, life came out onto land, nevertheless preserving its water nature. With a somewhat reduced, “chemical” look, living matter looks like an “aqueous solution, since every living organism is, to one degree or another, really an aqueous solution, and almost all chemical processes that provide vital activity are reduced to chemical reactions in an aqueous solution.” Water is the most abundant substance in nature that a person encounters daily throughout his life. However, this is a rather complex object for understanding. If scientists manage to reveal at least a little the true secret of water, new pages will open in chemistry, biology, and this, in turn, will open new unexplored compounds, new materials and, perhaps, unexpected forms of life, where all macromolecules of DNA and proteins contain a certain the proportion of heavy hydrogen and heavy oxygen molecules and organelles.




今天,关于水的大量知识及其因人类活动而发生的转变的前景变得如此重要,毫无疑问,它们需要新的概括和理解。对水问题的分析得出的想法是,水的物质是为生命、其发展、纠正和保护而设计的。水的这种潜力的实现是由其分子和分子间化合物的能量和信息能力提供的。水是一种特殊的物质,对于一个活生生的世界来说是极其必要的。“水-生命”链接中的每一个“异常”,水的奇怪之处都很容易融入生命的创造、保存、维护和进化的某个程序中。我们所知道的生命形式不可能出现在液态的水之外,水之外的“异常”。因此,我们星球上的水壳应该推动生命的出现(A. Henderson 可以说在上个世纪初为这个想法辩护)。直到那时,经过一段时间的水开发,生命才出现在陆地上,但仍然保留了水的性质。从某种程度的“化学”外观来看,生物体看起来像一种“水溶液,因为每个生物体在某种程度上都是水溶液,几乎所有提供生命活动的化学过程都被简化为化学反应在水溶液中。” 水是人们一生中每天都会遇到的自然界中含量最丰富的物质。然而,这是一个相当复杂的理解对象。如果科学家们设法至少揭示一点水的真正秘密,化学、生物学、
