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Quantumbit Cosmology Explains Effects of Rotation Curves of Galaxies
Foundations of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10699-021-09808-y
Thomas Görnitz 1 , Uwe Schomäcker 2

Some terms identify enigmata of today’s cosmology: “Inflation” is expected to explain the homogeneity and isotropy of the cosmic background. The repulsive force of a “dark energy” shall prevent a re-collapse of the cosmos. The additional gravitational effect of a “dark matter” was originally supposed to explain the deviations of the rotation curves of the galaxies from Kepler’s laws. Adopting a theory founded on the core notion of absolute quantum information–Protyposis–being a cosmological concept from the outset, the observed phenomena can be explained without postulating further unknown specific “particles” or “fields”. Moreover, this theory allows for a rationalization of the fact that huge black holes with their enormous jet structures, acting as “seeds” of the galaxies, are detected ever closer to the big bang. The problem of the rotation curves in the galaxies can be addressed outside of General Relativity within a Newtonian approximation: by an attenuation of the gravitational acceleration as in the modified Newtonian dynamics, or by the effect of additional invisible “particles of dark matter”, yet unknown and not yet established in natural sciences. Within the Protyposis theory, these problems are solved without having to invent a lot of parameters. The cosmology of the Protyposis causes the change of the gravitational acceleration in the vicinity of large (black hole) masses and, at the same time, avoids a recollapse of the cosmos for which a cosmological constant or “dark energy” was invented.



一些术语确定了当今宇宙学的谜团:“暴胀”有望解释宇宙背景的同质性和各向同性。“暗能量”的排斥力会阻止宇宙的重新崩溃。“暗物质”的额外引力效应最初被认为是为了解释星系旋转曲线与开普勒定律的偏差。采用基于绝对量子信息核心概念的理论——Protyposis——从一开始就是一个宇宙学概念,观察到的现象可以在不假设进一步未知的特定“粒子”或“场”的情况下得到解释。此外,该理论允许将具有巨大喷射结构的巨大黑洞作为星系的“种子”,在离大爆炸更近的地方被探测到这一事实合理化。星系中的旋转曲线问题可以在广义相对论之外的牛顿近似中解决:通过在修改后的牛顿动力学中衰减引力加速度,或者通过额外的不可见的“暗物质粒子”的影响,然而未知且尚未在自然科学中建立。在 Protyposis 理论中,无需发明大量参数即可解决这些问题。Protyposis 的宇宙学导致大(黑洞)质量附近的引力加速度发生变化,同时避免了宇宙的重新崩溃,为此发明了宇宙常数或“暗能量”。通过引力加速度的衰减,如修正的牛顿动力学,或通过额外的不可见的“暗物质粒子”的影响,在自然科学中尚不为人知且尚未建立。在 Protyposis 理论中,无需发明大量参数即可解决这些问题。Protyposis 的宇宙学导致大(黑洞)质量附近的引力加速度发生变化,同时避免了宇宙的重新崩溃,为此发明了宇宙常数或“暗能量”。通过引力加速度的衰减,如修正的牛顿动力学,或通过额外的不可见的“暗物质粒子”的影响,在自然科学中尚不为人知且尚未建立。在 Protyposis 理论中,无需发明大量参数即可解决这些问题。Protyposis 的宇宙学导致大(黑洞)质量附近的引力加速度发生变化,同时避免了宇宙的重新崩溃,为此发明了宇宙常数或“暗能量”。
