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Intelligent Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Methods for a Sustainable Electricity Market of Smart Micro-Grid
IEEE Communications Magazine ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1109/mcom.001.2001140
Dhaou Said

Smart micro-grid (SMG) is a growing segment of the modern power grid. Besides the benefits brought in terms of improving power reliability, power quality, security, and sustainability, and promoting competitiveness in a new deregulated electricity market, SMG is still in the early commer c ial stage. This article introduces the SMG con-cept-based forecasting mechanisms. It highlights the role of the power production and profit forecasting methods to drive the SMG deployment with the liberalized electricity market concept. Finally, some open issues in SMG deployment such as standardization and regulations are presented as key drivers for SMG success.



智能微电网(SMG)是现代电网中不断增长的一部分。除了在提高电力可靠性、电能质量、安全性和可持续性以及提高新的放松管制的电力市场的竞争力方面带来的好处外,SMG 仍处于早期商业阶段。本文介绍了 SMG 基于概念的预测机制。它强调了电力生产和利润预测方法在自由化电力市场理念下推动SMG部署的作用。最后,SMG 部署中的一些未决问题(例如标准化和法规)被视为 SMG 成功的关键驱动因素。