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Decaying vacuum and evolution from early inflation to late acceleration
Modern Physics Letters A ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1142/s0217732321501601
N. Sarath 1 , Titus K. Mathew 1

Decaying vacuum models are a class of models that incorporate a time-dependent vacuum energy density that can explain the entire evolution of the universe in a unified framework. A general solution to the Friedmann equation is obtained by considering vacuum energy density as a function of the Hubble parameter. We have obtained the asymptotic solution by choosing the equation of state for matter, Ωm = 0 and radiation, Ωγ = 1/3. Finite boundaries in the early and late de Sitter epoch are defined by considering the evolution of primordial perturbation wavelength. An epoch invariant number Nc determines the number of primordial perturbation modes that cross the Hubble radius during each epoch.



衰变真空模型是一类包含时间相关真空能量密度的模型,可以在统一的框架中解释宇宙的整个演化。通过将真空能量密度作为哈勃参数的函数来获得弗里德曼方程的一般解。我们通过选择物质的状态方程得到了渐近解,Ω = 0和辐射,Ωγ = 1/3. 德西特早期和晚期的有限边界是通过考虑原始摄动波长的演变来定义的。一个历元不变数ñC确定在每个时期穿过哈勃半径的原始扰动模式的数量。