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Cognitive bias modification for threat interpretations: using passive Mobile Sensing to detect intervention effects in daily life
Anxiety, Stress & Coping ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-31 , DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2021.1959916
Katharine E Daniel 1 , Sanjana Mendu 2 , Anna Baglione 2 , Lihua Cai 2 , Bethany A Teachman 1 , Laura E Barnes 2 , Mehdi Boukhechba 2



Social anxiety disorder is associated with distinct mobility patterns (e.g., increased time spent at home compared to non-anxious individuals), but we know little about if these patterns change following interventions. The ubiquity of GPS-enabled smartphones offers new opportunities to assess the benefits of mental health interventions beyond self-reported data.


This pre-registered study (https://osf.io/em4vn/?view_only=b97da9ef22df41189f1302870fdc9dfe) assesses the impact of a brief, online cognitive training intervention for threat interpretations using passively-collected mobile sensing data.


Ninety-eight participants scoring high on a measure of trait social anxiety completed five weeks of mobile phone monitoring, with 49 participants randomly assigned to receive the intervention halfway through the monitoring period.


The brief intervention was not reliably associated with changes to participant mobility patterns.


Despite the lack of significant findings, this paper offers a framework within which to test future intervention effects using GPS data. We present a template for combining clinical theory and empirical GPS findings to derive testable hypotheses, outline data processing steps, and provide human-readable data processing scripts to guide future research. This manuscript illustrates how data processing steps common in engineering can be harnessed to extend our understanding of the impact of mental health interventions in daily life.





社交焦虑症与不同的活动模式有关(例如,与不焦虑的人相比,在家中度过的时间增加),但我们对这些模式在干预后是否会发生变化知之甚少。支持 GPS 的智能手机的普及为评估自我报告数据之外的心理健康干预措施的益处提供了新的机会。


这项预先注册的研究 (https://osf.io/em4vn/?view_only=b97da9ef22df41189f1302870fdc9dfe) 使用被动收集的移动传感数据评估了简短的在线认知训练干预对威胁解释的影响。


98 名在特质社交焦虑测量中得分较高的参与者完成了五周的手机监测,其中 49 名参与者被随机分配在监测期中途接受干预。




尽管缺乏重大发现,本文提供了一个使用 GPS 数据测试未来干预效果的框架。我们提出了一个模板,用于结合临床理论和经验 GPS 研究结果,得出可检验的假设,概述数据处理步骤,并提供人类可读的数据处理脚本来指导未来的研究。这份手稿说明了如何利用工程中常见的数据处理步骤来扩展我们对日常生活中心理健康干预措施影响的理解。
