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Conditions for mental health in education: Towards relational practice
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-31 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3755
Tom Billington 1 , Sarah Gibson 1 , Penny Fogg 1 , Jamal Lahmar 1 , Harriet Cameron 1

There are concerns globally about the emotional wellbeing and mental health of young people and in this paper a critical orientation comprises both theoretical and empirical data sources. The case is made that (1) the medical model of mental health – that of problem identification, diagnosis and medical treatment at the level of the individual – is not appropriate for the vast majority of children and young people in schools and (2) relational approaches would be more sensitive in responding to the complexity of the ‘conditions’ in the schools, homes and communities in which young people live. Articulations of these conditions in the literature are explored while we also draw on empirical data from part of an evaluation of a school-based teacher-training programme in which interviewees and respondents mapped out their own conditions for emotional wellbeing and mental health. We conclude with proposals for relational approaches which (1) acknowledge the links between affect, cognition and school climate and culture, (2) foreground mental health and poverty as impacting on young people’s emotional wellbeing in their communities, families and schools and (3) attend to voice – providing spaces in which young people can develop their own ‘preferred narratives’ concerning emotional wellbeing and mental health.



全球都在关注年轻人的情绪健康和心理健康,在本文中,批判性取向包括理论和经验数据来源。理由是:(1)心理健康的医学模式——个体层面的问题识别、诊断和医疗——不适合学校中的绝大多数儿童和青少年;(2)关系在应对年轻人居住的学校、家庭和社区的复杂“条件”时,方法会更加敏感。探讨了文献中对这些条件的阐述,同时我们还利用了对学校教师培训计划评估的部分经验数据,在该计划中,受访者和受访者绘制了他们自己的情绪健康和心理健康状况。最后,我们提出了关系方法的建议,其中 (1) 承认情感、认知与学校氛围和文化之间的联系,(2) 将心理健康和贫困视为影响年轻人在社区、家庭和学校中的情绪健康的前景,以及 (3)关注声音——为年轻人提供空间,让他们可以发展自己关于情绪健康和心理健康的“首选叙述”。