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Measuring organizational resilience: Tracing disruptive events facing unconventional oil and gas enterprise performance in the Americas
Energy Research & Social Science ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102187
Oscar Bravo 1 , Diego Hernández 1

Over the last few decades, organizations have to cope with high uncertainties and extreme events like the Covid-19 pandemic, demand collapse, or supply chain disruptions with different capabilities to handle them. This work provides empirical evidence to test organizational resilience to deal with turbulent environments by studying firms' performance in unconventional oil and gas development in North America and Latin America. The 2014–2015 and 2019–2020 hydrocarbon price collapse allow us to measure resilience potential based on the organizational recovery after suffering a disruptive event. Only in the US, oil and gas output increased 10 million barrels of equivalent oil per day, despite high costs, low returns, and growing funding needs. Companies had to innovate, adapt, and manage uncertainty to optimize production, reduce costs and risk exposure, and generate positive cash flows. The fragile disappeared, the robust and resilient survived, and the antifragile thrived. This paper aims to define customary indicators to measure organizations' resilience after an extreme event. It also provides a scale that offers an approach to rank organizations and contrasts the most distinctive managerial attributes for successful and failed companies to deal with uncertain environments.



在过去的几十年里,组织必须以不同的能力来应对高不确定性和极端事件,例如 Covid-19 大流行、需求崩溃或供应链中断。这项工作通过研究公司在北美和拉丁美洲非常规石油和天然气开发中的表现,为测试组织应对动荡环境的弹性提供了经验证据。2014-2015 和 2019-2020 年碳氢化合物价格暴跌使我们能够根据遭受破坏性事件后的组织恢复来衡量弹性潜力。尽管成本高、回报低且资金需求不断增长,但仅在美国,石油和天然气产量每天增加了 1000 万桶等量石油。公司必须创新、适应和管理不确定性以优化生产,降低成本和风险敞口,并产生正现金流。脆弱的消失了,健壮的和有韧性的幸存下来,反脆弱的蓬勃发展。本文旨在定义用于衡量组织在发生极端事件后的复原力的惯用指标。它还提供了一个量表,它提供了一种对组织进行排名的方法,并对比了成功和失败公司处理不确定环境时最独特的管理属性。
