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Sedimentological and palynological assessment of three wells in eastern Dahomey Embayment, southwestern Nigeria, West Africa
Quaternary International ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2021.07.010
Olugbenga A. Boboye 1 , Christabel Chidiebere 1

Integrated studies were carried out on one hundred and eleven (111) ditch samples retrieved from three wells drilled in Lagos area within the Dahomey Embayment, coastal southwestern Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to determine the provenance, heavy mineral assemblage(s), establish the lowstand - highstand episodes, Quaternary palaeoenvironment and date the encountered lithofacies which constitute sandstones, siltstones with thin beds of lignite. The textural parameters show that the sandstones are medium to fine grained with the lignite consisting of plant fragment remains. Petrographic analyses showed abundant detrital minerals with average modal composition of quartz (Q = 90%), feldspar (F = 2%) and rock fragments (RF = 4%). The QFR ternary plots revealed that the sandstones are quartz arenites of continental block provenance origin deposited under humid climatic setting. This lithofacies has undergone medium distance range of transportation and have been subjected to mechanical and chemical weathering prior deposition. The heavy mineral assemblages and the ratios of Zircon-Tourmaline (ZTR index) in the wells suggest matured sediments. The Apatite: Tourmaline (ATi) ratios showed variations within the studied wells indicating differences in rate of weathering. It is evident that the periods of residence on the floodplain despite similar provenances and fluctuations in ratios, suggest sea level changes. The fluctuations in apatite: tourmaline ratios with respect to weathering are attributed to rapid changes in climatic conditions during the floodplain residence. The high ATi values in sandstone were deposited during relative sea level highstand (transgression), while sandstones with low ATi were deposited during lowstand (regression) in Nigeria and along the West African region. The abundance species of Rhizophora sp., Avicennia africana, Acrostichu mauruem, Laevigatosporite sp., Combretaceae sp., Mitrogynaciliata, Sapotaceae sp., Disopyros sp., Elaeis guineensis and Alchronea spp. indicated depositional transition from mangrove to fresh water swamp due to the episodic highstand and lowstand regimes. The abundance of Podocarpus milianjanus and Retitricolporites hians and the absence of Miocene diagnostic forms suggest late Pleistocene (Tarantian = 0.012–0.126 Ma) deposition.



对从尼日利亚西南部沿海达荷美湾拉各斯地区钻探的三口井中提取的一百一十一 (111) 个沟渠样本进行了综合研究。本研究的目的是确定物源、重矿物组合、建立低位-高位幕、第四纪古环境并对遇到的岩相进行年代测定构成砂岩、粉砂岩和薄层褐煤。结构参数表明,砂岩为中等至细粒,褐煤由植物碎片组成。岩相分析表明,大量碎屑矿物具有石英 (Q = 90%)、长石 (F = 2%) 和岩石碎片 (RF = 4%) 的平均模态组成。QFR 三元图显示砂岩是在潮湿气候环境下沉积的大陆块物源来源的石英砂岩。该岩相在沉积前经历了中距离运移和机械化学风化作用。井中的重矿物组合和锆石-电气石比值(ZTR 指数)表明沉积物成熟。磷灰石_:电气石 (ATi) 比率在所研究的井中显示出变化,表明风化速率的差异。很明显,尽管来源相似且比率波动,但在洪泛区的居住期表明海平面发生了变化。磷灰石与风化有关的电气石比率的波动归因于洪泛区居住期间气候条件的快速变化。砂岩中的高 ATi 值是在相对海平面高位(海侵)期间沉积的,而低 ATi 砂岩是在尼日利亚和西非地区的低位(海退)期间沉积的。Rhizophorasp.、Avicennia africana、Acrostichu mauruem、Laevigatosporitesp.的丰富物种。, 羽衣甘蓝科。, Mitrogynaciliata, 番荔枝, Disopyros服务提供商。, Elaeis guineensisAlchronea spp 表明由于间歇性高位和低位制度,从红树林到淡水沼泽的沉积转变Podocarpus milianjanusRetitricolporites hians的丰度以及中新世诊断形式的缺失表明晚更新世 (Tarantian = 0.012–0.126 Ma) 沉积。
